Horde Druid/Warrior Tank - LF Guild (Any PVP Server)

Hey everyone,

I’m a Tank main for about as long as I have played wow (started near the end of vanilla until MoP - had to quit because of studies). I’m 26 years old and just finished studying IB and now work as a translator for a notary next to doing some freelance work(all my work is done from home and I can pick my own hours).

I started playing on a private server near the end of classic but was too young to raid at the time. I tanked all of TBC and then moved on to Retail WoW in WotLK and continued to play there casually until MoP where I really started to play hardcore and sink all my time into the game. I ended up as a trial in Envy (rank 7 at the time) - sadly had to quit the game because my real life started to suffer from it.

I learn fast and I never fail on the same thing twice. If I am unsure about something, I will ALWAYS ask. I’m an experienced tank who is very laid back and has limited classic wow experience, mainly playing to experience what I couldnt at the time but also wanting to push as far as I can (wont quit before getting that full dreadnaught’s set :stuck_out_tongue: ).

I will be starting as a Feral Druid to level and spam dungeons and quests with hopefully my new guild. As soon as I can confortably do so or when the situation calls for it I will also level a Warrior to tank with. I could also start as warrior with a core group. But generally speaking a druid could be raid ready by the time a warrior is hitting lvl 58 when playing mostly solo.

I’m looking for a semi hardcore guild that doesnt spend too much time raiding but still takes it very serious and has room for some (dark) humor.

Looking forward to any reponses!


Hey Mate,

We are looking for some more off tanks in our guild on the Shazzrah PvP server, maybe we could have a chat in discord?


Hey mate, we are currently looking for a feral druid tank. I think you would be a good fit for our guild! Please check out our discord and read our “about us” page to see if you think so too!



Hello there Staka!

I’m Gald, GM of I would love to have a chat with you over bnet or discord :slight_smile: I have listed a link to our recruitment post below.

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