Horde groups lagging servers

This happens daily with the incursions. Horde always makes 3, 4 or more groups of 40 people to raid whichever zone has an incursion going on. The bad thing about this is obviously not that people get killed, the bad thing is that they bring the server lag with them.

Every time a new incursion is up, the zone is unplayable with a delay in casting being 2 - 3 seconds to sometimes 10 seconds because of how horrible the lag is. Today in Stormsong Valley, it got to a point people were dying at 100% health because the lag didn’t even show them they were losing health until they were dead.

I remember a story of an Alliance group attacking Dazar’alor where a GM literally came in to disconnect them because they lagged the server. But when Horde does this daily it’s okay?

For the record, I don’t think the Alliance group should have gotten kicked from the server nor do I believe the Horde groups should for this instance, but can we get some consistency here? Or at least servers that can handle this ‘amazing’ feature you guys made? I love warmode, I don’t love the bad servers.

I just want to be able to play the game I pay tons of money for without having to wait and hope the Horde group disbands so the lag goes away with them.

Sample of what the lag is like: https://youtu.be/irNRrxzOolE


Wtf the lag is awful…

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Sorry I don’t see anything suspicious.
Isn’t this how the game is supposed to be?
You click one spell, the game gives you a chance to think about your actions. Then denies your thinking proces and casts your spell.

Both sides form raids during incursions. I agree with all your lag complaints as I have experienced them myself, but stop acting like it’s somehow the Horde’s fault.

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I seen both alliance and Horde 40 man raids in the zone when incursions are active. Just join another group on another server to get away from it like I do.

I don’t mind small scale PvP with multiple players on each side, but its unplayable when you already have many players come to 1 zone to do the incursion at the same time then 1-2 people decide to make a raid each then you have 40-80 extra players on top of whoever is already there, then the other faction makes a counter raid and it messes the server up…

I was doing the incursion in Stormsong today. We had a 40 man horde raid with 6 bounties running between 2 of the world quests. I just joined a 5 man assault quest group on another server and while there we not only did the quests but also took part in small group PvP for fun.

I’d love to see Blizz do something about the 40 man ganking raids though as I have done some incursions where there were both alliance and horde raids on multiple severs i went to. Like not allow players in raid groups to earn honor for ganking solo players or small groups, or remove some honor they have already gained for doing it unless the people they are fighting are also in a raid of their own…

Move raids to their own WM raid shards, then they can hack it out among themselves. I love raids, guaranteed raid battles would be fun, and regular WM shards would be raid free. Blizz would know if that was feasible tho.

Yeah. I don’t mind 40 vs 40 raids but when most of the servers can’t handle 2x 40 man raids and another 40-80 players who are solo or in small groups. Phasing raids to new shards would be great. Means people can get on with questing or smaller scale pvp without the lag that comes from so many people in 1 place…

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