Hi all,
My name is Tonnie(Please call me Yun or Yen) , i am the raid leader from the guild Perfect Insanity.
At the moment we are looking for members to complete our raid team.
Discribe the guild:
*We are a social group trying to get a raid team up and running for the new expansion with the goal to hit atleast the curve achievement.
*We have fun and laughs on the first requirement.
Why are we recruiting:
*We have alot of slots complete now. We are just looking to have some reserv players. Not with the idea you cannot play but we just have enough players to do a run. So we want to make our group bigger so when we have sombody not joining we dont have to look for pugs or cancel.
What are we recruiting:
- Healer
- DPS with off spec heal
- DPS with off spec Tank
- DPS overall
What do we want from our members:
*If you put yourself as joining, be there on time and prepared
*Keep in mind we are mainly social so Wipes will happen.
If you have any qeustions dont hessitate and message me.
Kind regardz