I urge everyone that wants Sylvanas as a leader to use the Undercity tabard and show Blizz we do not want a warchief like Thrall (pussy), Saurfang (traitor) or Baine (not even sure why he is horde).
For the first time in 15 years we have a true leader and would be such a disaster to lose it.
Or at least if they could create the Forsaken faction… would be just amazing.
Why would you make peace when you play a game which is entirely based on wars.
Well we need an undead related horde tabard for sure. We have serveral for Orcs and one for trolls. Now it’s the forsaken turn. And no honorbound doesn’t count.
Nah - the undercity tabard hardly looks good for any of my characters or their transmogs.
My Blood Elf Mage uses the LFR Mage gear with the Kirin Tor tabard from EN/Nighthold and my Blood Elf Warlock uses the Mythic Mage-look alike set from EN/Nighthold with the Sunreaver Tabard. Neither of these would suit the Undercity tabard.
Thing is, every BFA Story complaint doesnt effect the plot in any way. Everything is already set in stone by now. In a few months, at blizzcon 2019, the next wow expansion will be released, so it must be already in development and its own, new story pretty much mapped out.
For Blizz, the plot of BFA is already the stuff from yesterday. Its over. The cinematics have been made, the voicelines recorded, future content building up on this decision are probably already actively worked at.
There’s a similar movement going on the internet for Saurfang as well:
From Kotaku:
“Players Are Removing Pieces Of Armor To Protest Recent Plot Developments”.
Here is the Quote:
" Despite being the leader of World of Warcraft ’s Horde, Sylvanas is currently on Horde players’ bin list. The reason? Earlier this week,(…)
Now another major Horde character has turned against her, and players are demonstrating in-game to show solidarity.
In [a cinematic released yesterday], legendary Horde warrior Varok Saurfang had a crisis of conscience over Sylvanas’ torching of night elf stronghold Teldrassil, the World Tree.
“There is no honor in this!” he bellowed at Sylvanas as she watched the tree burn. “They will come for us now. All of them!”
Later, while talking to a young troll who’d yet to see battle, he threw off his shoulder armor in disgust at the idea that they’d find honor in the battle to come. Saurfang proceeded to storm off into the night sans armor, toward a big Alliance encampment—presumably to die. Despite being puny and inexperienced, the troll ran after him and removed his shoulder pads to show solidarity. In the end, he convinced Saurfang not to give up on himself and the Horde.
Now Horde players, still enraged by Sylvanas’ actions and inspired by the unlikely duo of Saurfang and “Zappy Boi” (as they’ve taken to calling the troll), are removing their in-game shoulder armor as a show of solidarity. Well, they’re not fully removing it—gotta keep those sweet, sweet stat buffs, after all—but they’re using WoW ’s appearance-altering “transmogrification” feature to make their shoulder pads no longer appear on their characters.
A player named Riizu has taken to heading up the “Shoulders For Saurfang” movement.
A player named Riizu has taken to heading up the “Shoulders For Saurfang” movement with both a Discor and in-game community.
The former, Riizu told Kotaku in a DM, already has 150 members, while the latter has 400.
Like many other players, Riizu has been disappointed in recent pre- Battle For Azeroth developments, but saw Shoulders For Saurfang as an opportunity to express that in a positive way.
“It must be clear to Blizzard that their recent choices with Sylvanas, and the Horde as a whole, aren’t well-received and that perhaps these choices are meant to intentionally incite more faction loyalty,” Riizu said. “The hope is that Shoulders For Saurfang can be a launch point for that. I hope that SFS can provide players a way to positively share their opinions and draw excitement to the expansion.” He also hopes that this will cut down on some of the “ridiculous” blowback members of the WoW dev team have faced
For now, things are just getting off the ground, but there are already plans afoot (ashoulder?). Shoulders For Saurfang will be hosting an in-game event on August 7, likely on a role-playing server, that’ll see players march from Horde capital Orgrimmar to Alliance territory Darkshore.
Riizu also noted that even though Horde and Alliance are technically bitterer enemies than ever, Alliance players are welcome to join the Discord and help plan demonstrations, too. He said that he takes inspiration from the most recent Warcraft novel, Before The Storm , which serves as an official prequel to Battle For Azeroth .
“Cooperation and growth for both factions is a major theme,” he said. “I’d love to see SFS echo that sentiment.”
My former main already adhered to it as you can see on her armoury, she’s not wearing shoulders:
Everyone should play, what they like:
It’s unfair for the chaotic players to have to deal with the moral compass of the Honorable Horde.
It’s unfair for the Honorable Horde to, have to be associated with Sylvanas actions.
That requires exalted reputation with the Defilers.
The only reason I grinded that much back in vanilla was because I was after the Epic piece: Defiler’s Chain Pauldrons, which didn’t require a PVP rank, not like the shoulders I am wearing, which required Champion rank in order to be purchased.
I fully agree.
But we can express our opinion and dream about it.
Maybe they can do something after the expansion of October of 2020, maybe 2022, who knows.
Im on your side, i dont want to ruin your dreams but Blizzard told us arleady that she wont be warchief for long… But its still unclear what her fate will be, so… … so i will stay with our Queen untill the end! Garosh was short sighted, Sylvanas is strategist, i adore her tactical mind.
Well in 8.2 he will join Saurfang and Jaina to slaughter sons and daughters of the Horde, to release Baine. (We dont even know if Sylvanas want to kill him, some stupid spirits AGAIN told us what to do, who tell u that their telling the true? it looks like someone is assuming things…)
Just like Stormwind tabard fits Baine perfectly. He is loyal to his best friends, trait that have big value to me in RL, BUT IT’S RUINED becouse Baine’s best friends are: Anduin king of Stormwind and Alliance, and his “auntie” Jaina leader of another alliance kingdom. Just small reminder WE ARE AT WAR.
Free will is for Forsakens not for war tools. Thing that u dont understand.
Its true, but we still dont know what will happen in 8.3 (like we spend entire legion finding Illidan child of light and dark, to finally fulfill his destiny… and it was not his destiny… welcome in real world, IF U DONT KNOW ALL FACTS U CANT BE SURE ABOUT ANYTHING, they know, we dont. And we belive in Sylvanas, we belive that she wont turn our backs on us like Thrall or Saurfang, we belive that her victory is ours! We belive that Horde is part of her victory!
Victory or death! and For the Banshee Queen!
Which tabard should I put on if I wish her to be burned in holy fire? ^^ Anything but a “mind controlled tabard” oh wait… you wish to be called forsaken right? <3
No one expects the Human Inquisition! Our chief weapon is surprise, fear and surprise; two chief weapons, fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency! Er, among our chief weapons are: fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency, and near fanatical devotion to the High King! Um, I’ll come in again…