Horde leader - Undercity tabard

Wow, eyes. I mean it’s like they have the attitude of the Forsaken and wear mostly black clothes with skulls. You know? Life is pain :wink:

Just one of the many victims in the community of the terrible BfA expac.

Yeah, they are all about self pitying…
Never mind the fact that they are more often than not presented as supremacist jerks that feel like their state is the future and are willing to kill anyone that says otherwise.

I think the self pitying bunch died somewhere between Wotlk and Cata.


Ah you mean were Blizz found a reason why they don’t shall commit suicide all together?

More like when they decided that instead of settling with surviving, they wanted to thrive.

Thrive? You mean killing humans and raise them as one of their own?

Don’t forget the Desolate Council and Zelling on the death of in-lore characters who were reasonable and wanted an end to the nightmare!

Yes. Exactly that.

But you know that it is just a subterfuge of Sylvanas to increase her private army, don’t you?

Hmmm…don’t think so.
Lillian Voss thinks differently. Sylvanas isn’t the only one that is welcoming regarding new ‘recruits’.

Ps: How is it that this has shifted from some veiled insult towards the Forsaken faction, and a tag about them being ‘Emo, to now be some sort of guilt trip about the Zombie Faction behaving as…well…twisted zombies?

She is not really “welcoming” them. Captain Stone was indeed a special case. It seems to be her personal broken human which she can to wind her up. Also it was necessary for the success of their mission. In Zelling’s case she didn’t wanted to raise him first, even if he stated thar he wanted to do everything to care about his family.

Because they are twisted Zombies :woozy_face:

Just because you don’t like the portrayal or theme of any of the fantasy races, does it mean you have a blank slate to randomly throw them insults that have nothing to do with them.

Trying to make fun of them by saying they are emo, is like calling them fat.
It’s just random. Nonsensical.

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Ofc they’re twisted. All of them becoming kinda mad and manipulative after their raising. It was even stated by Lilian Voss, so yeah, they’re twisted.

Oh, are you butthurt cause of it or did you think I didn’t know that?

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Butthurt? No.

I find it odd. Like hearing someone making fun of a basketball player by calling him dwarf.
If I had to summarise my reaction upon reading it, this would be the emoji::face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Ok, I don’t really care. It seems that I’ve convinced you that they’re twisted zombies?

What About Darnassus Tabard??? :tired_face:

Do not everyone in Darkshore wear one?

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Get back to your designated farm, you have crops to raise.


I don’t need convincing about that. Thats what they are. Undead.
That’s what they were sold as.

In a setting that has its most humanised race being some mutated space robot, that means rather little.
From a meta perspective…it means even less.

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