Horde Mage Race


I would like to play a mage soon, but I don’t want to be a elf, as I just don’t really like their lore and that. I am interested in all specs at the moment. but probably edging towards Arcane. Something about using raw Arcane power is cool to me.

What non-elf Horde mage race would you recommend from a lore but also aesthetic point of view?

Bonus points if you can give a brief background for why this race could make a cool mage.

Zandalari can become mages as I recall they could use some kind of Arcane barrier to shield their city from harm during the Great Sundering which shattered Azeroth into different continents due to our fabulous Queen Azshara Ehm ehm…

Anyway, undead make great mages as well due the fact they were once Humans not long ago. This is probably the best choice outside of Elf mages.

Good luck!

Hey thanks for the reply.

I’m thinking forsaken, especially now they don’t have to have bones sticking out of them!

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A class able to conjure food on a whim, what else but Pandaren?

But yes Forsaken are pretty cool too!

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I did think Pandaren! Forsaken seems like my choice though

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Clever orc. I didn’t think of that. But tbh I forgot the Pandaren are neutral always thought they are Alliance.

Mystical and magical foxes?

Awesome race
Awesome mage animations
Awesome in general :smiley:

Goblin close second.

The Nightborne lore is quite nice… But I guess tastes differ

Troll is great.

Lore and aesthetic - basically anything

bis mage racial - troll

It depends on what your goals are. Racial-wise both trolls and orcs make really good mages, though lore-wise it is harder to explain an orc’s drive to become a mage.

Elves are the way to go if you want to have a large wardrobe of mogs to use. They are more akin to humans in appearance, so almost every mog works on them.

I can wholeheartedly recommend vulpera out of the race selection. Their racial isn’t really good for them, but you get many small bonuses in exchange, like an extra, placable hearthstone in the form of the camp, along with extra bagspace. You get the unique jumping animation taken from elves (front flip) and your casting animations look really decent. Anything that looks good on a goblin looks good on vulpera as well, just try and not wear helmets.

Here, just a reason why they make really good mages:


Perfect look for an arcane mage ready to burst someone down.

Pandaren, because its a bouncy panda.

Of course you may dislike elves, but why? You want to be a mage that is hungry for power, which at the same time definition of elves. Apart from elves I would only see a stupid human mage failed at his/her casts (as all the humans in the game do) and died to become an undead magus eventually.

Besides these two I think all other races in Horde are too naive to befit as mage.

You mean Suramar?

And for mage the best race is Nightborne change my mind.

No I mean Zandalar. They had a magic barrier protect their city during the sundering.

13:20 minutes into the video

So this makes very little sense lore-wise, but I actually think Orcs look kinda cool as mages. They’re easy to miss, but the Orc battlemages in the portal room look really cool IMO.

(And I’m saying this as someone who’s only ever levelled an Orc up to 30 pre-squish, so it’s not because I’m a mono-Orc player or anything like that.)

The answer is Vulpera… total cuteness! :fox_face: :hearts:

I already have a Female BE mage and planning to make myself a Nightborne mage, after I unlock them.

But if it wasn’t for the Nightborne, I would had pick a male Forsaken Mage as I like their casting animations.
However, after leveling a female Orc Warlock, I probably would level a male Forsaken one.
That’s why I didn’t chose male Forsaken as a mage.

One of the Mithic raiders we had posting on the Forums during BFA, used to play a male Troll Mage.
Their racial is very good.
So you might wanna consider that as well.


On the case of Forsaken Mage, they are basically dead Humans.
It wouldn’t be hard to imagine he was a Mage when he was alive.

Trolls used to be alongside the Forsaken, the only races that could be Mages, during Vanilla.


My mage alt is a Foresaken Fire Mage. He is named for a (human) fire mage from a novel from the 80s. The character dies near the start of the story, so I resurrected him for WoW!