Horde male hunter race

how are you guys?

im thinking to change my race to male

but idk which horde male race is look more cool on mogs
and animations

im confused between vulpera,bloodelf ,maghar orc,undead

i like maghar orc coz big body and muscles

i like undead coz fantasy but i hate bones shown on mogs

i like vulpera coz cute fox

idk whqt to choose so i want know which look better on mogs,animation,racial abilities

well, you’re going to be able to hide the bones next expansion!

Have you tried a trial character of each race to see which one’s animations you like the best?

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That would be my pick, I think they are great and you get to choose from 3 colours of heritage armor for them :slight_smile:

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That’s a good choice

You can choose a non-bone option in Shadowlands. As someone already mentioned above

I personally would not choose hunter for a fox race, or even a Tauren. If you are going for a Robin Hood look, I guess that would work. But it’s your decision at the end of the day.

Yes try this.

I don’t think you get to unlock allied races heritage armour on a character you race changed for some reason, I have no idea why, especially for just the allied races

I know you ain’t put it down as a race, but male troll hunters are solid.
Bow animations best for male on both factions in my opinion, can create some fantastic outfits for them, raptor pets are almost as cool as bears.
Berserking is always useful as an little mini lust.

There are four iconic hunter fantasies on the Horde-side:

  • Mag’har Orc (Survival) with 2hand axe weapon and wolf companion
  • Goblin (Survival) with 2hand-pick axe weapon and a mechanical companion
  • Beast Mastery Darkspear Troll with raptors.
  • Marksmanship Belf.

I would go with one of these fantasies. Personally I have three of them (Goblin, Darkspear Troll, Belf).

Vulpera is better suited in being an Assassination rogue.

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hi, im good thanks:-) I would take the one i like most. I do not think racials matters that much anyways. Personally i have a tauren fetish, so i got tauren hunters. :slight_smile:

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Well, tauren is the hunter I play since 10 years so my answer is kinda obvious…

As for the options you listed, I would choose Mag’har.

eh, would rather go with a Sunwalker Tauren if you have not one yet. Besides, Goblin Hunters do look great. Currently working on the rocket backpack from the Icecrown raid, my Gob is still too low (60~):

Mag’har - they look great! Trolls can look pretty cool as hunters too imo

Orcs all the way. They work best with metal looking armor and mail usually fits that

Mag’hag orcs only fits brutes that rely on strenght.

Blood elf and undead doesn’t fit as hunter.

In my opinion the only race of your choices Vulpera looks very cool as hunter. Vulpera with a hippo that is three times his size :slight_smile:

Belves fits them well because they have a whole thing going for it, the Farstriders.

It depends on the spec I believe. Survival for Mag’har Orcs, Beast Mastery for Trolls.


female blood elf

Ah yes you’re correct.

Sexes are races now?

u will regret when u see the orc so bad he cant 360 noscope for fun

To me this is somewhat right. I consider female draenei and male draenei as different races. I do not even know what is that thing male draenei, I would not mind if they would not exist at all.

they are both spacegoats, also lightforge spacegoats