Horde players have no "honor"

My dude if I start describing situations and ways Allys behave in WM, you’d faction change right after reading my post.

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That’s me!

Funny how everytime I level Horde characters, a max level alliance kills me, but when I level an alliance character, it never happens. :thinking:


For the Gnorde! :smile:


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This needed a bump after five days again why, Turiel?

Are we going to get one of these every time you get attacked in Warmode?

Absolute Nonsense, and you know it is.

Why do you keep doing this?


Guess he absorb nutrients from the replies to survive
Kind of a leech I think
Evolution and adaptation is wonderfull

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Being ganked and having a Forsaken mosh on top of your corpse is all part of the Warcraft experience. :smiley:

For real though, are people legit with this faction pride/bashing? I understand it, though only to a point, ‘cause it gets way too cringe after that. There are dishonourable players in all online games, everywhere.


Nothing feels better for me after loosing arena match to go to stv find low level chase him a little bit for fun because he is running away and oneshoting him. Most beautiful feel.

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No it’s being a bully why don’t you pick on somone at your own size?

Alliance only attack when they have advantage in numbers so I am not surprised why some of them are posting “I didn’t attack but he did!”.

I would prefer any solo ganker over this annoying pack mentality. Dogs walking next to you doing nothing but if chihuahua attacks and you defend yourself then all of them will bite :joy:

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Jeez, this thread is still going? Since August of last year!

Can we not all understand that War Mode is literally “I am signing up to be ganked” mode? Are people still surprised that they get attacked when they willingly turn on the World PvP mode?

If you don’t wan’t ganked then why turn on the mode?

Also, Alliance Players. You guys group up in vast numbers, even when not on the RPPvP servers. Even if “regionally” you are outnumbered you guys are able to go around swamping targets and still get an “outnumbered” bonus! You bring in a full LFG group to smother a 6-man ganking crew and still get an “outnumbered” bonus.

Count your blessings.

You main Alliance. More disturbingly, you actually think you -are- Alliance, even weirder, this is now your personal blog as to your Warmode experiences? It happens! Horde attack Alliance, Alliance attack Horde, Neither side has honour in Warmode because that is not what it is about, shocker, I know.

Also it is ‘Honour’ not ‘Honor’, Our language, we get to pick the rules. Want to bicker about it then type in American. I’ve seen what the proposed American language was post War of Independence. Pretty or intelligible, it is not.

If u wont tu speek liyk vis, ven it is fiyn

That is the actual proposed language of the United States of America, Thankfully the founding fathers went “That will make us look like imbeciles” and rejected it. Sadly, the Forty Fifth President of the United States is doing a pretty good job of making the world despair at America as an intellectual third world country, shake their heads and just go “Hopefully they will grow out of it?”

So in five weeks can we look forwards to you making a post about how a bad Horde person attacked you, and made you so angry you just had to post and tell us all?

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hmm…atleast we are not making a Raid to kill an enemy!
alliance have -1000% honor!
you have no respect!
i was playing alliance for 1 month and what i saw in arena and raid i was shoked
i bet 90% of alliance players are League of Legends players!
negative on maximum lvl! some of them just sayd report this guy ,dint even know reason myself(same as LoL)
i hope blizzard not gonna make something to put alliance and horde on same table ever!
blizzard if you read this ,.please stop barging scenario with alliance and horde friendly…we just dont care about! we are horde and we never accept mercy or something from alliance! End of Storry!
sylvanas come back pls and let destroy them!

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Fragile- handle with care

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You failed to uphold the #1 Warmode rule - “Get them before they get you.”

Some people learn that and move on better prepared for the warmode future.

Others go cry about it on the forums.

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You really made me laugh lmao

Get them before they get you works best IRL where they do not come back from the dead in a couple of minutes max for revenge.

He made me proud. Good Forsaken.

You want no honor?

Decided to go and level up in outland. 2 rogues camped the questing zone, being 10~20 levels higher than me and my friend. And they wouldn’t show or attack at all. Not unless you were pulling 4~5 mobs. They didn’t want to fight even with that significant advantage. They just wanted to ruin questing. That’s true no honor.

Is that… worgen I smell? It’s hard to be sure over the overwhelming stench of alliance self righteousness!