Horde players have no "honor"

So? The rule stands. They come back - get them before they get you. Simple.

That only works is you are not trying to do something other than focusing on them when they come.
Such as fighting some mobs that left you pretty injured.
If you are actually playing that rogue enough, you know the power of choosing the worst moment for an enemy to attack him

Man this was a good read

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“if its red its dead”

dont play pvp if you dont like pvp behaviour.

Did you pick Maldraxxus? Because that is one hell of a Necro, not to mention unnecessary.

Ally do exactly the same .

They don’t attack unless there’s 20 of them vs 1.

Maybe he never actually paid attention to who you were and didn’t remember your name? Heck if I could remember the name of the velf who helped me down an elite yesterday.

Edit: wow, did not realise this one was a necro

Innocense is the first victim of war

What warchief?

Sounds like he should have rolled rogue lmao.

I hate Torghast and only will do levels if I have to, like for the covenant campaign. To me it is just a cop out for actual interesting content. This way if anyone complains about having nothing to do in Shadowlands, people can say there is always Torghast.