Horde players, where am I least annoying for farming savory delight recipe?

For Azeroth! :v: :heart_eyes: :peace_symbol:

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No, no no no.

You must use your pet to round up every single pirate in the zone at once and then cast Barrage over them. If any other player enters the area be sure to engage Aspect of the Cheetah, race along as fast as possible to any spare pirates your initial AOE pull did not pick up and tag with Multishot.

It’s vital to ensure that this undeserving wretch of a lowbie isn’t given even a ghost of a chance at tagging a single pirate. Prove to them that you are bigger, stronger, and faster than they. The Alpha Hunter, a shark in a pond of insipid minnows.

If the player continues to get in your way, run up to him with a huge train of mobs in tow and then feign death.

This is a dog-eat-dog server my friend, where might is right and only the strong and ruthless survive by dominating the weak.

… and joking aside, please don’t do any of those things, unless you want to develop an absolutely terrible server reputation.

A good farming spot for the recipe is actually the Thunder Lizards that live close to the lift leading to Thousand Needles. I remember getting mine from there quite quickly back in the days when I played retail, probably around the TBC era. I’d guess it’s a similar drop rate in Classic.

The lizards is what I farmed before Raindancer came through with the power of friendship :slight_smile: