Hi everyone - I have decided that while the looking for group system serves its purpose for finding people to scratch that rated itch - you won’t get the same satisfaction from having a dedicated Pvp guild. That’s not an option for alot of people and sometimes you cross paths with great people.
I have setup this Pvp community (HORDE - and based in the Ragnaros realm who’d have guessed it?) as an opportunity for like minded pvp’ers to be in the same place and open up some options for people. We all have varying schedules and while this is only starting out - I hope that we can grow to be a positive place for people.
About me - I am just a lowly currently 1450~ in 2s rated disc priest trying out the class for the first time. The Community intends to have a spread level of skill, open for people so that everyone has someone that they can partner up with. I would also like to have enough people to cater to rbg’s and have a core of people from my guild to get things going which are currently rated 1750.
Consider joining the community, it is just a win-win situation with nothing to lose but everything to gain.