Horde random BG'S players skill gap

Genuine question no hate at all just naked statistics.

I have totally played 88 random bgs and have only 33 wins. I play mostly RBG’S but sometimes want to que one or two random bgs. But yesterday i decided to see how bad the things are on Horde side. So i played 15 games in a row and got only 1 win on Strand of the Ancients because we had someone who could lead whole group to fast win.

Im not type of a guy that trows a game if its even 1600\0. I play maybe not on my fullest in this kind of moments but i dont afk at all. So i guess im not a main reason of looses. Is this gap so big because all pvp players who actually cares plays on alliance because of racials ?

I think your sample size is too small to draw any conclussions.

In my experience, playing horde, it has been pretty 50 - 50.

that’s good stats, nobody win 100% of their games you know…

that happens even to the best players, PuG life

human racial is overestimated, it’s not really that big gamechanger. Will of forsaken is better

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