Horde - Ravens is looking for you!

The guild Ravens is looking for active members to fill-up ranks with a goal mainly focused around the PvE content. Everyone level 50+ is welcomed. If a friendly environment with vanilla experience is what you are looking for, or you just want to hang out with some old timers, then this is the guild for you! Raiding is scheduled to start mid December with PUGs hosted until then.

Reply here or whisper any of the following, in game, if you are interested or have additional queries: Anyma, Narra, Shootkist, Senbon.

Still looking for more members for this awesome oldschool guild. (Skullcrsuher)


Me and some irl friends are looking for a new home, this sounds like the right place for us :).

ah this is my char

Hey Raido,

Good to hear to guys want to join. Did you get in contact with one of the names above?
Otherwise I’m going to make some work of it.


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