Horde Ret Racials for BG?


Icy-veins says that Zandalari has the best Ret Racials (Divine Shield + Regeneration).
Is Regeneration also the best Racial for BG?

Warstomp sounds nice but it has a very short duration and reduces the duration of hammer of justice (DR). BTW can Warstomp be casted while casting other spells ?

Is Zandalari or Tauren the best pick for BG?


Zandalari… yes. :+1:

For Horde, either Tauren or Blood Elf.

Tauren’s AoE stun is very useful, you can use it to interrupt a cast or to secure a kill. Also, it cannot be interrupted and thus, can sometimes be used to bait interrupts.

Blood Elf’s AoE magical dispel is also a useful one, it removes one magical effect from each target with its range, can be used to remove stuff such as Thorns and Blessing of Protection.

The Zandalari racial is not that good, the Regeneration is basically useless for Rets, it can be interrupted and if you are going to use Divine Shield just so that you can use the Regeneration, you might as well just use Word of Glory or Flash of Light.

All three are situational, but you won’t find much use out of the Zandalari one. I’d recommend Tauren for Horde Ret. It seems to be the most viable choice.

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I think Zandalari pally’s have absolute winning racials for PVP. Free self heal, extra crit or damage. Tauren for life though. Stay true! :ox:

No. Tauren is way better for Rets in PvP. The Zandalari racials you are referring to, are:

And you can only choose one.

The Healing and Damage increase are very minimal. And they are proc-based.

The Regeneration ability(racial active healing ability) is terrible in PvP, especially if you are playing Ret. It has a 2.5 min CD and it can be interrupted by damage.

  • Regeneratin’ (Active) - Regenerate 100% of your maximum health over 6 sec, interrupted by damage. 2.5 min cooldown.

Tauren on the other hand, has flat bonuses and an AoE stun with a CD of only 1.5 min.

Brawn: Critical strike bonus damage and healing increased by 2%.
Endurance: Increases your Stamina by 197 (scales with level).
Nature Resistance: Reduces Nature damage taken by 1%.
War Stomp: Stuns up to 5 enemies within 8 yds for 2 sec.

Regeneration is kind of pointless now Rets have insane self-healing in their core kit.

That being said, the speed boost from Gonk is nice and Zandalari paladins look amazing on their golden dinosaur mounts so there is that!

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