Horde Roleplay

Whats the state of Horde RP currently? Not seeing too much of it, i am ex ally on argent dawn, but I went horde because i was originally a troll priest in vanilla!

Hope to see it pick up when most people hit the 60 mark!

Well leveling is taking up most of the rp time, but the horde rp community is here. I know of at least 5 rp guilds including my own that has been set up (Granted a few of them are light rp)


Horde RP looking good however there is a lack of people with TRP or other RP addons installed which is slightly worrying.

Ello,’ mon.

We be ere’.

Just preparin’ in da shadows.


I haven’t met other RP guilds in person, but I know they exist. However I’ve seen that many people on the server are both eager and talented to engage in RP when RP happens within earshot distance.

Therefore, I would advise everybody to come out of their hiding places and bring life to the RP world.

Contrary to popular belief, RP can happen at any level; and it’s advisable that you start it at early as you can.

PS: Don’t wait until you are 60 to RP. Because then you might be tempted to wait until you have full Tier-1 to RP, and so on and so forth.

My advise for everybody on the matter of TRP is to assume that most people will not have it installed for a long time.


  1. Always assume that the other person is a roleplayer, even if they are questing or jumping around or doing anything unlikely, unless proven otherwise
  2. If you really want to, install TRP and create your profile
  3. Set up your TRP in such a way that you cannot differentiate between whether other players have TRP installed or not. That way you have no inhibition approaching other people.

Thus, try to abolish the mental checkbox of only approaching people with TRP profiles on, and take the risk. It will be worth it.

The primary purpose of addons like TRP is to facilitate initiating RP. The secondary purpose of TRP is to give a persistent description of your character.

The secondary purpose can easily be replicated with /emoting. Now, if having TRP installed makes you less eager to initiate RP with strangers (because you assume they are non-RPers), then TRP is failing its purpose.

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Thanks for the TRP reminder to be honest i completely forgot about it. will go and see if i can find a classic compatible version.

Yep, TRP 3: Classic is on Curse/Twitch.

May I ask if there is any rp on horde side, above all in Kalimdor/Ashenvale?

Lorewise, orcs and missions forces you to “destroy and kill” the woods and their people. good for pvp.