[Horde RP] The Iron Wolf Clan

“Our will is unbreakable; our strength is matched only by our determination. Let no one question our ferocity, we are the Iron Wolves!” - Chieftain Grashka Redcleaver

Following the siege of Orgrimmar, many of the horde’s loyal soldiers felt betrayed, lost, and without a cause. However, one orc refused to give up hope. Her name was Grashka Redcleaver. With several warriors by her side, Grashka delivered a single order…

“Unify our closest allies. Together, we will be the symbol they require to regain their hope.”

Orcs, trolls, and Tauren gradually joined the band. With Grashka at the helm, the Warband became much more than a symbol of solidarity and strength. It became the Iron Wolf clan.

IC Information

Clan Hierarchy

OOC Ranks

  1. Newblood - A newly joined member that must earn their place in the clan.
  2. Clansman - An official member of the clan.
  3. Clan Veteran - Long serving and respected members of the clan that have earned the chieftains approval. They also perform additional duties, such as leading clansmen in battle and overseeing day to day activities.
  4. Inner Circle - Trusted emissaries, leaders and advisors. Only the most trusted and devoted clan veterans may earn the right to call themselves a member of the inner circle.
  5. Chieftain - The overall leader of the clan who’s word is law.

IC Ranks

Clansmen IC Ranks:

  1. Warrior – The backbone of the clan. A clan warrior is a fierce fighter and protector of their clansmen.

  2. Scout – Specialists consisting of scouts and hunters. They gather food, resources and any information requested by the chieftain.

  3. Seer – Healers and spiritual guides. A clan seer also performs important shamanistic duties.

Clan Veteran IC Ranks:

  1. Bloodseeker – Veteran clan warriors that have proven themselves in battle.

  2. Prowler – Skilled scouts and hunters.

  3. Veilbreaker – Wise and powerful veteran seers that have proven their worth to the farseer.

Inner Circle IC Ranks:

  1. Wolfguard - The Chieftains chief advisor, emissary and second in command.

  2. Mane - The leader of the clan warriors.

  3. Huntmaster - The leader of the clan’s scouts.

  4. Farseer - The spiritual leader of the clan.

OOC Information

Who are we?

The Iron Wolf Clan is an RP guild in World of Warcraft’s Argent Dawn EU server. We offer clan-based RP, even if you are new to RP and wish to learn.

What we are looking for…

  • Friendly and active people that are interested in clan based RP.

  • People willing to host and/or share idea’s for events.

  • Characters that are at least level 10 and above.

What we are not looking for…

  • People that cause unnecessary OOC drama.

  • Internet trolls.

How to Join us!

If we sound like the clan for you, then feel free to visit us IC. You can contact the following people via a /whisper and arrange a meet up:

  • Grashka Redcleaver (Redcleaver, GM)
  • Hikka Redeye (Hikká)
  • Hukush Warspirit (Hukush)
  • Ko’wi (Kowi)
  • Resha Goresong (Goresong)

Alternatively, we aim to recruit IC in the Valley of Honor, Orgrimmar on the first and last Wednesday of every month around 20:00 ST (server time).

We look forward to hearing from you!

Affiliated Projects

The Fireside Gathering

“Citizens of the Horde! Too long has the city of Ogrimmar fallen silent. Let us meet once again and reforge old bonds. Around a bonfire will we share our stories, games will be held and brawls will be hosted to test our strength. Together, we will work to reignite a sense of community that has long since been snuffed out by our past tribulations. Join us at the fireside gathering!”

The Fireside Gathering is an event that will take place within The Valley of Wisdom, Orgrimmar. Its aim will be to promote socialising between Horde members. Click the link below for more information!

The Fireside Flyer

The Shaman Circle

“Are you drawn to the mystical energies of the elements? Do you hear the whispers of the spirits and feel the call of the ancestors? If so, then I extend the invitation to join our Shaman Circle, a gathering of like-minded individuals who seek to delve deeper into the rich lore and immersive roleplay experience of shamanism.” - Farseer Resha Goresong

The Shaman Circle is a roleplay community, a sanctuary devoted to the revered shamans of our roleplay server!

The Shaman Circle Argent Archives Page

The Iron Wolf Clan COVID-19 Support March

The iron wolf clan and its allies show their support to the workers during COVID-19 by marching from Orgrimmar to the Valley of Trials, Durotar.

The Iron Wolf Clan COVID-19 Support March YouTube Video