Horde-Side RP Scene?

I went through Valley of Honour on an alt earlier, and it maybe wasn’t at it’s peak but it sure as heck had more than enough people around and about and RPing.

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/glare intensifies.


I forgot you folks! GG are still vibin’.


dodged a bullet there


Thank you very much guys for your responses. I had been gone on a short break so apologies for not replying here earlier. I will be transferring to Horde today or tomorrow.

Thanks again! :bat:


Welcome to the Red Side. Glad to have you with us :slight_smile:

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Speaking of hubs, this migh tbe of topic. But there was a hub in Duskwood before right? It might´ve been more neutral and so but still. Anyone knows if that is still around?

It’s slowly picking back up.
Though there’s still conflict on if a certain area belongs to Stormwind or Druids.

I disagree simply because Silvermoon is active, there shouldn’t be any “occasionally”. You won’t find RP at 10AM on a workday, sure, but during the evening there are always people in most parts of the city, bar Bazaar.

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Weird + unnecessary time because I was basing the comment on 7pm+ in the evenings, where some nights I’d wander between every quarter and usually find only four or so RPers spread throughout the benches. What I’m referring to is that, whilst Silvermoon isn’t a dead hub, it isn’t anywhere close to how bustling it was in 2012-2015ish, when it was the Horde’s primary RP hub.

It isn’t a jab to the blood elf community; it’s just a side effect of the game having far fewer players nowadays than it did.

Enjoy it! It’s cozier.

Miss those days lads. x


Silvermoon has never even been Horde’s primary RP hub, esp during that timeframe, as that always has been Orgrimmar. One of the biggest (as it is up until now) - yeah, but not primary.

There are less people than before for the basic reasons that you just mentioned, but that doesn’t mean it is “occasionally” active.

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The Portal does belong to the Cenarius Cirlcle, but Duskwood belongs to the alliance, so they claiming horde races are welcomed is false.

Blood Elves make up (made up?) around 40% of the Horde’s population, with the blood elf community being fairly insulated away from the rest of the “savage” Horde. Silvermoon was for a time its own pocket community, and arguably far more active than Orgrimmar (which then, and still now, only had a single district for RP). It’s anecdotal, obviously, because we’re talking about a timeframe up to eight years ago, but it’s no secret at all that blood elves were always the most popular race by a longshot.

IDK. I’d side with Mogi on this one, once upon a time blood elf roleplay utterly dominated the Horde. You had Kalimdor guilds for sure, but Silvermoon was pretty much active 24/7 in a similar vein to Stormwind. Wheras Orgrimmar has largely been centred around Gravy’s tavern from my own experiences.

This was back when people banged on the “urgh elves” and “urgh horde” themes in roleplay so you never really saw much mingling between both sides. Didn’t help that some petty feuds repeatedly drove wedges between both continents.


Valteryl the young…

Still got much to learn buddeh

That’s one benefit of the population decline: all three “sides” of Horde RP (blood elf, Old Horde, undead) are joining together far more often. When I started on Horde, all three were very different RP experiences.

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Blood elf community, or, at least, good bits of it, have always been secluded from the rest. It doesn’t de facto matter if you have 40% of the population in blood elves, when half of it roleplays in a bubble outside of SMC.

That ain’t even a jab at bubble RP as there were always reasons for it, its just a fact.

I think what didn’t help was there was a “toxic” cycle of roleplay, in which you’d have the Horde treat elves in a very 2007 “lol ur all girls and can’t fite” and blood elf guilds would shirk away from Kalimdor guilds. That’s coming from my perspective, mind. And then you got in the cycle of “damn elf roleplayers dont come out of their own circle, they’re so ELITIST”. When really there was no incentive because roleplay with the Horde was the same encounter flagellated to death.

God knows the weekly orc/clan guild who came to stomp around Silvermoon to declare how the elves should be all subservient to the SUPERIOR kalimdor Horde caused me to shy it away from Orgrimmar.


It’s a reasonable consequence of Blizzard inserting blood elves to the Horde incredibly arbitrarily. When constructing a blood elf character’s backstory, they will naturally have battled against orcs, trolls, and undead, and any reasonable character would distrust the races of people that slaughtered their people through numerous conflicts. It’s hard to portray a character who is just okay with all that, and so naturally blood elves stayed in the Eastern Kingdoms with the occasional cross-event with some undead. That was my experience RPing in all three sectors mostly in 2012-2014 (Hand of Agony, Mok’lohn Command, numerous belf house guilds). The events with the other “sector” felt uneasy and at times forced, and it could be easy to forget anything outside your corner existed.