The Bridgeburners is a small horde community focussing on m+. . We are not a boosting community however we do try to help as much as we can so everyone has a decent weekly chest. Since we’ve got quite a few members who are on the autism spectrum it is very important that you are capable of treating everyone with respect. We are also still looking for more people preferably the social type as we all enjoy talking a lot. Most of us are active during the evening so during the day it can be a bit quiet. Discord is mandatory. Once you get invited we’ll do our best to welcome you and help you out but if you don’t reply or read the chat then you won’t last too long. We’re not aiming to become a large community for several reason but we do have spots for all classes and specs at this time.
We’ve got a few basic rules
- Don’t be toxic
- Don’t join a key you can’t handle ( so don’t join a +20 if you just dinged)
- No selling boosts in the community as we’re not a boosting community.