Horde won, thanks to a rogue

About a year ago, there was a meeting on discord. We discussed faction pride and how badass Sylvanas is. It was awesome and many hordes here on this forum know what i’m talking about!

Anyway, we needed to find a way to delete alliance for good. I told them about my idea, how we could raid the capital cities to show our strength. Lame they said, we need to think bigger they said. Oki.

Some undead rogue-player opened his mouth - ”Maybe make alliance character and crycrycry on forum about horde being awesome? That will break their morale and the Alliance players will soon do our bidding.”
I told him it’s never gonna work but gl&hf!

Looking back now, he truely succeeded. The alliance swallowed the bait so hard. The more they cry about their own faction, the more they’ll scare away players.

So please Alliance players, stop killing your own faction. Blizzard knows about the situation when it comes to PvE, that’s why mechagnomes are getting the best racials for progression in 8.3.

Just don’t give this rogue the satisfaction of destroying an entire faction, he’s already sitting too high on his undead horse and I don’t like him.

:clap::clap::clap: :sleeping:
aaaand the point is? :thinking:

:roll_eyes: :face_vomiting:


I smell a 4:20 logic all the way down here.

True story, this undead rogue broke the faction balance, but you came here 1 year later to warn Alliance ( try to shut complainers down on forums) .

Alliance is blue because its color of tears.


sylvanas isnt badass tho, shes edgy


Opinions differ and mine is that Sylvanas is as badass as much of some blank of wood and even wood is more interesting character in my books.


ok, and here start the our masquerade counteroffensive :wink: :honeybee:

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Edgy and cringe is 14y favourite thats why we have so many new hordies

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Lol nice alts mr undead rogue

It was Rawlings? Right?

I bet it was Rawlings… That sneak!

nothing to see here… :joy:

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No, it is not about PvE progression, without racials no one will play mechagnomes otherwise.

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