Horde won the game?


  • the powerfull Zandalari-empire joining the horde

  • the genocide of most of the nightelves

Horde has won and Alliance lost its ‘‘world goverment-status’’

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The Horde won the BfA war and thereby also got full control of Kalimdor


Full control of Kalimdor was never really the objective…the Horde expanding in the southern regions like Tanaris or Un’goro Crater would be a nightmare. They just needed to expand in the north of the continent like Ashenvale (at least half of it) because otherwise the Kalimdor Horde won’t survive without the resources there.

But I can assure you even Garrosh would be disgusted at the Burning of Teldrassil after all… the genocide of the Kaldorei was only really wanted by Sylvanas despite the Horde leaders couldn’t rebel against her immediately after it…

…meaning the orcs? Because, you know, the others didn’t decide to settle in a desert just to be surprised by hard living conditions that somehow still allowed them to thrive and grow armies beyond anyone’s expectations. But sure, it would certainly be unthinkable for the orcs to move somewhere else instead of taking the elves’ lands, since they have been in Durotar for 15 years now! It’s basically their ancestral homeland! They need to eat the Ashenvale wood, there are no other options!What are they supposed to do? Farm Lordaeron? Ridiculous!

Come on, that argument was always a bad joke. Neither populations nor ressource shortages were ever consistent in WoW. The Horde didn’t attack because it needed to attack, it attacked because the devs needed it to attack. And ressources weren’t even the reasoning that the devs gave us through Saurfang’s pov. The impression that war was inevitable anyways was. And so Saurfang was persuaded that it was better to start it on the Horde’s terms than to wait for people like Genn to attack.


Its not such a big power after BfA. In the pre-Shadowlands book the Horde needed to help Zandalari-empire by sending ~ 40!!!! soldiers…

The genocide was done to civilians and to the army rookies. The army veterans, and main heroes are still alive.

Nope. The real deal and discussions how to kill main worlds enemies are still happens usually between Alliance leaders, and ex Alliance leaders who decided to become neutral. Horde joins such discussions in very rare cases. Such rare case is Thrall…

P.S. There still Vindicaar somewhere out there with an army of the Light, that is coming to make disbalance toward Alliance. :wink:


The Zandalari are barely holding onto their capital city when we meet them in BFA, because they got slam-dunked by Deathwing farting on Zandalar as he flew past them towards a more relevant continent.


Do we actually know how many night elves were lost? The night elves controls quite a lot of territory. Even if everyone in Teldrassil had perished that still leaves the night elves in Darkshore, Ashenvale, Mount Hyjal and Feralas. A substantial blow, sure, but hardly the end for the night elves.

I don’t see how anyone can think that the Horde “won” though. They got duped by a leader who had none of the Horde’s best interests at heart (pending confirmation on that one, considering how Sylvanas’ attitude flips constantly and we still don’t know her “true” motivations). The Zandalari joining the Horde feels like a weird decision at this point, seeing as the Horde currently suffers from a massive power vacuum. Maybe if the Zandalari play their cards right they can simply integrate the Horde into the Zandalari. Then we can have a new faction conflict! Alliance versus the Zandalari! Because the Horde is done.

It’s not unreasonable to guesstimate that it was the bulk of the Aliance sympathising faction. (Hyjal, Wardens, etc. were wierd, because originally they didn’t want to be associated with them, but came to Darkshore anyway for some reason. (Besides them being recognisable members of said species)

It had a forest back in the day.

It’s kinda strange druids don’t regrow it.

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Going by the old novel Cycle of Hatred, Durotar is also exceptionally fertile land for farming that left the orcs a surplus to trade with Theramore. But well… continuity is there to enhance the story, not to tie the hands of creators, yada yada…


Personally I’m quite glad the Orcs didn’t actually turn Durotar and maybe even the Barrens in the Horde breadbasket despite there was certainly the possibility…the problem is that lore-wise the Orcs were never farmers, even most peons who are forced to subordinate work don’t actually become farmers. The Orcs only have … “pig farms”, which is not about agricolture, but merely livestock after all. So making them build a lot of crops in their territories in Kalimdor would probably be not realistic at all as it would break the orcish fantasy trope.

Besides, I’m quite sure Blizzard generally want to keep farming as a staple for the Alliance only, and specifically the Humans.

We see even former Kingdoms of the Alliance that are now in the Horde don’t practice farming anymore after all. Surely, the Forsaken don’t need to eat, but they could still build farms in Lordaeron to help their Horde allies with the food they produce. I’m not sure if they don’t do it because as Undead beings, building crops is just not in their culture and taste anymore, and besides the lands of Lordaeron are still quite rotten because of the plague, and the few fresh batches of lands in Western Plaguelands and Hillsbrad are still occupied by human farmers of course.

Similarly, in Warcraft 3, we see the High Elves had their own “elven farms”, but after they were destroyed by the Scourge, the Blood Elves never cared to rebuild them across Quel’thalas. We could speculate on why they did not do it with all kinds of lore reasons ( for example their population dropped so much that they don’t have food problems anymore, so they merely rely on fishing and the Magisters conjuring magical food for feeding themselves, and trade) or gameplay reasons (there’s not so much space in Quel’thalas for farms to be built, even though I think there could certainly be if Blizzard really wanted to ) but overall I still think the root problem is that Blizzard see farming as a prerogative of the Alliance races and cultures only (read: Humans and on a lesser degree, Dwarves), and therefore they don’t want to share extensive farming for solving the food problems of the Kalimdor Horde races, they don’t do it even for those races where it would actually make sense such as Darkspear Trolls and Taurens as they are still mostly hunter-gatherers, so they like it even less for the Orcs that are completely alien to the idea of farming land in their warrior culture after all.

My point was mostly that Blizzard leaves us no context at all to evaluate their stupid excuse for the orcs annoying the nelves. If it’s about food, well, there seem to be much more obvious ways to get some. If it’s about wood, we have no idea what that would be for, and why it would need to come from Ashenvale, when they have other wooded areas. And if it’s about lifestyle… well, that’s no excuse at all, is it? “We are lacking ressources, because farming is for ninnies, so we’ll come and take yours!” is certainly no justification, and hardly even a believable explanation.

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The cynical reason is that they wanted to play homage to the WC3 Grom skirmishes and didn’t think it through. (Just like adding the “tribal, savage, hunter gatherer” Night Elves to the Aliance despite them having way more common ground with the Tauren, Troll, Orc than Jaina) and having resolved that conflict by the time they went to fight Archimonde.


The giant wasteful bonfires kept burning in Orgrimmar’s desert environment for no discernable reason.

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The lumber that is not used by the Orcs for building and for the Horde ships is indeed wasted in a lot of ways. I remember there was even a quest (can’t remember when exactly, possibly during the War of Thorns) where the Orcs left all the wood they had taken in Ashenvale to burn or to rot in the open pointlessly just to spite the Night Elves even more and to laugh at them because they are treehuggers…

Garrosh’s warsong offensive did during Cata, yeah. Destroying Ashenvale out of spite with a nakedly genocidal daily quota on elf ears.

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