Hordies, any bg win so far?

Not complaining, just wondering if anyone has been able to win a single random bg as horde so far? Also interesting how I never seen any premade groups to join, is that supposed to be only tight knit guildies elite? Once again meant no offense and I’m completely fine the new system, just want to figure out a few things.

I must be at 11 loss in a row, not a single player playing the objectives.

Everytime I find myself alone trying to capture a flag or taking an orb, while all the other are AFK or just trying to VH middle (and losing at that too).

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same . I’m crap at pvp but even i look amazing compared to some. they seem to just follow each other around in epic bg and just get farmed. either horde has forgot how to play or there just farming honor for the armour.

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About 10% winrate in casual BGs and ~50/50 in epic.

got 1 random epic ashran and it was loss
what a surprise alliance played smart and my team is suddenly stupid
not even killing alliance just afking at them seriously is this a joke

I won one battleground just now, but last night I must’ve lost like 6 games in a row with random and epic battlegrounds. I’m gonna assume people are just focusing on killing than doing the objective because of the weekly quests.

Guys, dont worry. Your premade PVE players just farming mythic gear so far …
Premade horde (germans ) made their appearance today. I was against them 2 times. They had all mythic PVE gear, each about 28 k health. So yes, PVE premades will dominate eventually. You will be their side soon enough.

they can do that in arena/rated bgs
keep the midbots/afkers in their own bg queues too

for both factions that is

Alliance ftw


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