Horizon Strider's Garments set bonus and embellishments

As a mail wearer, one of the special item effects we can have is the additional haste damage/healing procs from the Horizon Strider’s set. To gain that benefit we need to have two pieces of the set’s possible three. However, each individual item counts as a single embellishment, meaning to have the effect we’d have to use up both embellishment slots for the benefit of a single effect.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but the trade-off is far from worth it. Individually they do absolutely nothing and together they offer nowhere near as powerful benefits as items such as the Elemental Lariat. Why can’t the set bonus simply count as a single embellishment?

Same thing with Azureweave and Chronocloth sets. You either wear two of the set or none. Now, if the set bonus is double the worth of a single embellishment, then this could be a good trade and exactly what you want. If it’s worth just a single embellishment, then this should be looked at.

Some possible ways to “fix” this:

  • Wearing just one item from these sets (no set bonus active) does not count as an embellished item, allowing you to wear two other embellished items.
  • The set bonus only counts as a single embellished item and is tuned to match the power of a single embellishment. Plus maybe a tiny bit more because you are taking up two item slots, after all, so it is limiting your choices a bit.
  • Or just make sure the set bonuses really are so good that you don’t mind not being able to use a Lariat etc.

Correct me if I’m wrong though, these are all just sets from profession knowledge talents, so they are “easy to get”, so maybe they are undertuned on purpose?

I think the “counts as a single embellishment if the set bonus is active” might be difficult to code into the game. Maybe do it so that the set bonus deactivates if you wear two other embellished items, but does not prevent you from wearing the items?

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Just makes me wonder why leather wearers get Flaring Cowl, a single piece of item that does an immense amount for them, especially if combined with the fire rings from raid. While our choices are not only lacklustre by comparison but also require more sacrifice to even use.

Amice of the Blue is also a very good cloth item that does a lot of damage through the proc. I see two different craftable mail boots that also proc damage. The patterns/recipes for these single items can be expensive since they are raid drops. I got the pattern for Amice of the Blue for 10k and I think that was a very good price.

Crafted items are very similar across profession, but just target slightly different slots etc.

Bs / plate get frostfire belt and legs, bracers are decent too with versa proc

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