Horrible Truth: Inspiration Proc Rate is Bugged

Hello, I am a BS with more than 3k unique orders fulfilled. My Inspiration chance is 43% and I maxed out the relevant skills. Got the highest possible equipment with enchants etc.

Let me explain my Issue: I am trying to upgrade this 415 axe to 418. Has no embellishment. I am only about 13 skills away from guaranteeing a Q5. If inspiration procs I get an extra +93 skill so it’s more than enough.

After 15 recrafts, I don’t get a single inspiration proc with a 43% chance. Customers thinks I am a cheat, I have to use insight etc to protect my reputation.

Did this happen only once? No! Certain items feel like bugged. That frigging 43% Inspiration never procs with them, happened to me like 10 times since 10.0.5 patch.

What the hell is going on?

Did you check this on a newly crafted item or on the specific recraft?
If it was originally crafted with low quality mats and you are not using high quality mats to replace them in several recrafts there might be a bigger skill gap than on the newly crafted item.

That is not the issue, if that was the case inspiration would proc and skill wouldn’t be enough to increase the quality. In this case, Inspiration doesn’t proc at all. With 43% chance having 15 consecutive fails consistently is mathematically impossible

It’s called a Run.

It happens unfortunately. It can happen when you flip a coin as well.

It may seem improbable that with a 42% chance to take 15 attempts to get it right. But unfortunately it’s normal and works in both directions.

I do think the system needs step away from this proc dependency. It feels bad for everyone.

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You are right.
I just wanted to ask, because a lot of people think a recraft is a completely new craft, but in fact it remembers a lot of the original configuration (mats, embelishments, …).
I always check the skill gap when I get a recrafting order, because it’s different all the time.

Impossible and chance in one sentence is a bad combination.
With 43% chance, you have a 0.02% chance to miss 15 in a row. Or 1 in 4591 is likely to miss 15 in a row. So unlikely but far from impossible.

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