Horrific Visions are Suposed to drop gear

I Did not know this, It did not happen.

Did i just lose out on the chance of 5 pieces of Gear?
Seriously Blizzard. Seriously!


According to wowhead the gear is capped at 420 for the first week with a citation needed next to it.

Also i guess i drops for finishing more, maybe even using masks… Dont think that much people cleared it full already, solo or not, not even mentioning masks… So chill

Defeating Thrall or Alleria in a Horrific Vision will reward 1 gear item from the “pre-raid” set. The item level of this piece depends on how many other activities you did in the Horrific Vision, as well as how many Faceless Masks were active.

Estimate of Gear Reward Item Level:
Defeating Thrall or Alleria is required to get gear!

  • 420 item level

  • All 5 Objectives: 445 item level

  • All 5 Objectives with 5 Faceless Masks: 470 item level

That’s what wowhead says, guess it’s possible to do all 5 objectives in a full party at the moment though which means you should get a 420 piece from just killing Thrall that I know I didn’t get either. All based on PTR though so blizz mightve changed their minds.

I got my 420 gear but it seems you can’t get the same level of reward twice, IE gotta do some bonus areas to get gear the next runs

Oh yeah and among the known issues it seems that some players didn’t receive loot in HV



This guy unfortunately made a separate thread:

but presents the exact same issue I had. The Wowhead guide seems misleading. I ran three or four horrifics so far and I only got a piece of armor the first time. After that, while I did get essences for my other specs, except the last run, I never got another piece of gear after that.

Now I’m wondering whether a new piece of gear only drops on a new day or even week and whether I wasted my runs to a degree. (Although practically it’s not a big deal since my slots are higher ilvl already. But if/when that rises, it would be useful to know whether I speed-upgraded my cloak to great detriment.)

I did 4 visions and got 1 item… scuffed

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What? i did barely 2 extra bosses + thrall before running outnof sanity…how is that even possible for ppl to do 5 of them…

Unless something changed from the PTR sanity doesn’t matter as much in a group because you can ress people and they come back with full sanity.

Did 5 of them and didn’t get a single piece drop.
Didn’t even know that gear dropped from them.



I got alot of information from alot of sides, and sometimes. Just posting something on the forums helps you complete the picture.

Still annoyed butthe loss isnt that great then

I’ve done 6 this week with my better half. Both of us not receiving a single piece of gear.

Our backs Rank 5 now.

And 2 of my alts never got any extra vessels and were able only to do runs for R3. Compared to my dk who got to do up to R5… and my monk who needed to do extra small vision for rank 5.

RNG, I guess.

Meanwhile I was a tard and left the vision after killing Thrall. Quest finished, so I thought I was suppose to leave :joy:

You only get 1 gear /week, your first run after weekly reset.

You are teleported away after Thrall… Have to complete bonuses before you kill him.

I don’t think it does. The impression I get is that killing them affects the ilvl of the gear you get from the final boss.

You prob get one on your very 1st run, unless you failed it, dont know if its affect.

Wow… I really paid attention last night, didn’t I…?