I dont think its just me, but the models from latest patch, seems completly stiff backwards…looking ridiculous, they look like they are constanly seeing the holy light 30 degreed up somwhere. When the mount moves faster it just stiffly move back and forward like a pinocchio doll. Just horrible to see and makes me want to never ride an horse again.
I play on argent dawn rp server.
Yea, horses run as if they’re “Stuck” and have to move front and back seperately like a child would move a toy horse now, lmao!
On the brightside, Jig(g)lesworth Sr.'s run animation is pretty dope now!
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damn, put the pitchforks and torches away everyone!
nah keep em close, he roleplays a Man’ari paladin
Obviously he plays a repentant Man’ari, who will force others to repent… Or die by force, if need be!