Hot size on raid frames

I have the problem that when I use the addon GLadius, the hots on my normal blizzard raid frames turn really small. disabling it fixes it. But I kinda need gladius for the arena enemy view.

So is there a way to increase the size of the hots on my normal blizzard raid frames?

Probably something in the Gladius settings.

That’s the thing. There is no setting for it. I have been at this back and forth for weeks now :confused:

Which one? There is GladiusEx, Gladius War Within (Max) and more.


When I use gladiusex the hots are shown in their right size but the settings for everything else are a hazzle so I would prefere to keep using the normal version

I’m guessing the Auras Module is doing this.

Sadly didnt change anything

Let the author know about your issue

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