Hotfix for Dungeon XP

  • Fixed an issue where the Hailstorm (Talent) buff persisted after switching specializations.
    Lol, seems they do watch Rextroy videos :smiley:

They nerfed raw gold farming. Now they nerfed dungeon boosting. How am I supposed to farm gold now?

Welcome to the wow forums.

I honestly think Rextroy provides a very good service :smile:

Here is stupid stuff I managed to break.

Rextroy reports the bugs to them prior to releasing the videos, too.

They did not. That’s a side effect of the level squish.

Boost M+ & raids, that still works. Or grind paragon chests on alts. Or, dunno… just sit back 'till SL?

What do you mean standardized? Nerfed?

It means that no matter how many players you do the dungeon with, you’ll get the same XP. Dungeon XP no longer scales with party size. If you weren’t running 2-man boosts, you won’t notice a thing.


Alright I only do 5man with lfg tool, so it doesnt bother me. Thanks.

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Dungeons working as intended, less Advertisement spam in LFG tool trying to sell leveling boosts, another blow to the boosting community.

I fully welcome this change.

Never been in those boosting communties. So the only option for me was leveling boosting for gold. They didn’t really harm them by nerfing xp in dungeons, but the individuals like me. Paragon chest is not worth farming gold, because it takes too much time.

Great change

Good change. For a long time a group of four would queue for a fifth member. Once in a dungeon they would kick the fifth member and delist their group.

Good job, boosting community must be excited.

I just … you are , repairing so INSIGNIFICANT problems, that the BIG ones stay hidden.
If only you were working so vividly on classic botting problem. Oh , I forgot one important thing, it is missing , WE WANT , .

Somehow you find time to remove things like this that harm exactly nothing except maybe your character boost sales but don’t find time to fix a lot of the actual problems in the game. With the elephant in the room being SL being delayed by nobody even knows how much.

Don’t expect any sympathy, “fun found, fun removed” fits you exactly right.

Less boosters = good. Good changes.

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Feel like I always learn of these things after they’re put through the Blizz grinder.

Wait, this was about boosters? Then it might make sense indeed.

Ofc, they take 1 person and do one short BFA dung with him and lvl up 10-50 in 5-6 hrs instead of 12+. Trade chat was full of boosting leveling.

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Got it. I was too hasty attacking Blizzard for this then. Thanks.

Me before this change:
Me after this change: