Hotfix for Warsong Gulch Queue Issue

#no changes!

Why do you changes this and do no change about AV?

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So, are the abusers going to be punished?

That’s how it was in Vanilla so shut up. Wont be fixed.


GJ Blizz adressing this exploit quickly. Now I hope you’re hard a work trying to fix the multitude of problems in AV because that BG is a total mess with bugs and exploits right now.

You don’t know what you’re talking about you should shut up yourself. It was never possible in vanilla to pull the boss without aggroing the guards.

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[Patch 2.3.0] (13-Nov-2007):
All Warmasters are linked to each other and their respective Generals and can no longer be pulled individually.

It wasn’t changed until burning crusade.

Xrealm matchmaking was only a few months at the end of vanilla itself.
If anything, they should just keep it to per realm instead, thus making the pools so small that premades would be possible for both sides.
The mechanisms of gigantic matchmaking pools only makes it possible for the smaller ones, unfortunately.

Also, this “everyone vs. everyone” size of the xrealm matchmaking was NEVER in vanilla.
The battlegroups in vanilla looked VERY different once xrealm matchmaking became a thing.

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Yea, sure. Let’s also delete honor from towers, Balinda and Galv, Drek and Vann, and also the honor you get by winning ok? Those are all pve activities so let’s delete them ok?

Blizzard, my solution to fix AV premades, is kinda simple. Its not bullet safe, but it will work.

Simply make deserter pop, when you dodge a queue. This way they cant keep re-queue, until they get the same AV.

Its the same as with retail. Alliance needs to be “baited” into pvp.

Thats how that works if horde outnumbers alliance. Alliance have premades and insta queues and horde has very long queues so its almost impossible to run premades. You can try to que with your friend tho.

Are you sure? The reason alliance can queue together and get into a BG at the same time as a premade is instant queues. The reason horde players can’t do that is longer queues.

You don’t think queues is the reason Alliance can do that and Horde can’t? Maybe you should read my post again.

Back in vanilla u could register as group into AV.


Now only 1 side can…

Fair ? Vanilla like?

Stop “improving” mechanics plz :wink:

The bullet proof solution is even simpler: Enable join as group on AV as function.

Because this type of queueing (joining existing queues when joining a party) wasn’t available back in vanilla. It came much MUCH later.
They simply fixed it to make the queue work like #nochanges again.

Exactly why has blizzard not wiped the honor of or tempbanned people who exploited this?

It wasn’t an exploit- they were using an available mechanic in an unexpected way

Not honourable - but available

I neither condone nor condemn

Blizz have simply closed the availability

you guys work? what a surprise !
what about all the other cheating…
read your forums and get your sh** together blizzard cuz the subs wont stay.

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Indeed horde can. Literally the same way alliance does. Countdown and queue together. It takes 3-4 attempts often.

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Really dumb or just trolling, you cant premade as horde as you have que times, you cant drop que and just hope the next one in 20 mins is going to be the same av for everyone :slight_smile:

Does this have anything to do with having like 4 times the alliance population?