On the 21st of August there was a hotfix worded like this:
" * The Kalimdor Cup is now open to all players level 30 and above. NPCs have been added to Orgrimmar and Stormwind to start the quest and spend your winnings."
My question is where in the cities are those npcs?
Hi there Zukau,
It looks like this change hasn’t made its way to live just yet, but should be coming shortly!
Thank you.
It would be cool if we could get to know when a certain hotfix is coming live.
Usually, there is a note such as in the next reset or of sorts. nothing was said on this one as well there was already a new hotfix post on the 22nd. So I got confused. Thanks for the answer again and can you please notify the writers of the hotfix to notify others when such changes will occur so there will not be any more confusion ? 
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