Hotfixes 23/4 Gear nerfs

What I meant was, it’s RNG whether it applies a shield or healing absorbtion right?

My understanding was that it absorbed both. The tooltip says “absorbs damage or healing” it’s not one or the other it’s both, be it damage or healing it won’t make your health move. Like you’re at 100k hp pop a 100k shield get damaged for 70k and healed for 30k boom shield fades and you’re at 100k.

That makes this trinket insane against comps thar require/heavily depend on a CC on healer to kill like rogue mage, hunter feral or hunter ret for instance, as you’ll absorb only damage since your healer is in CC.

No, you’re wrong.


It applies heal & damage absorb of X.

E.G. if you apply Void Stone for 100k, first 100k damage / healing gets absorbed.
So if you use it, then Swiftmend into that target for 30k, it heals for nothing, then greater pyro target for 50k, it deals nothing, then regrowth target for 60k, it will heal for 40k.

Which was exactly what I wrote then.

Basically what the rogue already wrote

As you did now wrote exactly what the Rogue wrote.
Haha. What a hippocrite.

Imagine calling someone a hippocrite on bnet forums when being told you said something that has already been said just because it’s the second time you’re told that.

Forumful gladiator Whisperer as always in great form xD

33406 * 3. So around 100k.

Ah. That 50% nerf will do wonders then. -.-

It’s just your standard Whisperer post.

Then read his comment xD “Hippocrite” xD

But he’s so annoying someone has to let him know…

Loool pve gear ftw I guess. Disgusting.

It would be a double-edged sword if it shielded you first and then when the shield expired it’d put the full healing absorb on you. That way you could play around it, but the way it is currently it just means you can’t die/you freeze your HP for the duration.

I did say something that has been similar to what somebody else wrote.
I got called out on it by you, indeed.
Then Karanze called me out on it. Which is hippocritical because by doing that he did wrote something similar to what somebody else wrote.

So if he blames me for repeating somebody in a form that it repeats somebody, then it’s by definition hippocritical.

We’re messing with you good sir

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