HoundsofwaR is recruiting!

Hello, greetings from HoundsofwaR

We are looking for raiders to join our main raid team, we are currently 8/8 heroic and are looking for new raiders so we can step into mythic again. We are inviting cross faction and cross realm so do not worry about being on the same realm/faction.

Currently we have 1/2 healer and 5/6 dps spots available.

Raid Schedule:
:date: Wednesday & Friday
:alarm_clock: 20:00 - 23:00 realm time - For people on other realms our real time is the same as CEST
We do require a commitment to both raid days.

We use Discord as voice chat during raids and to communicate announcements etc.

Interested in joining please leave a comment or apply on our website houndsofwar.eu

A thing to keep in mind.
Even though we are looking for raiders every one is welcome to join there is plenty of other content to be played.

Kind regards and hope to see you ingame.
Infonian - GM