-Hours in craft order refill time

Waiting for my craft order to refill after my time is up. He says it will be full in -6 hours. What does that mean? will I wait forever?


Means you get another 20 after the timer. It’s 20 public orders per daily timer.

check the link bro i already wait for 24 hours but when it come to 0 its contiune like -1 , -2 , -3 so it is -7 now :smiley:

I think it’s only a funny tooltip bug :sweat_smile:

Well, lucky you if you’re even able to log into the game atm. Alot of people are having issues currently stuck on update / repair loop. So chances are Blizzard screwed up more than just that and that’s why your timer is looking weird.

Yes, but everyone has the problem of not being able to enter the game, a quick solution can be found, but only I am experiencing this problem, it seems like a solution will be found later :frowning:

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