[Housing] AD community neighbourhood

Hey there,

I believe this is my first entry on these forums since I started playing this game in around '09, so I guess it had to be something special to make me finally take the plunge.

Since yesterday’s sneak peak of the new housing feature, I have been thinking about all the possibilities of community housing. As mentioned in the news post, there are two types of neighbourhoods - public and private.

Of course it is too early to say exactly how these will work, what will be the limitations and so on.

But in order to start the discussion (and possible organisation) early I propose an idea of an AD community housing neighbourhood.

One of the limiting factors is that apparently the neighbourhoods will be limited to 50 plots, this means that should we actually intend to make some kind of “officially-unofficial” AD neighbourhood, we would probably have to divide into more than just one. However, I still believe it would be nice for AD players to get together and organize neighbourhoods for people to live.

I know guilds and other communities will probably make their own, but for those who aren’t part of any such group, be it a guild or whatever, I think this would be a way of perhaps finding a neighbourhood to move their house to.

Maybe it is a silly idea after all, I dont know haha. However, let me know what you think.

Thank you.

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This is a great idea, we could have neighbourhood barbeques and more, or just various kinds of social events on Saturdays and Sundays if people who aren’t into military or para-military RP.

I think the biggest issue would be non-roleplayers who also live in that neighbourhood and just make the BUTT ugliest houses ever.

Its sort of a thing that happened on FF 14, the MMO, people would make a really nice looking house, and their neighbour would make a weird as hell Paissa house right next to them and fill up the yard with canons or something else dumb.

I feel like HOA guilds will pop up with this kind of approach to housing in RP…

Yep! This is exactly the reason I want an organized AD housing neighbourhood, so that the community can work together to keep the neighbourhood looking neat ^^

Before we go, we want to mention the concept of Neighborhoods as a small tease… Houses are organized into roughly fifty plot Neighborhoods, letting players live next to each other, work together, and share in the rewards of being part of the Neighborhood. Neighborhoods are instanced but crucially also persistent so your neighbors can be your neighbors for years to come (or until one of you moves). Neighborhoods also come in two flavors:

  • Public Neighborhoods, which the game servers are responsible for creating as needed and maintaining.
  • Private Neighborhoods created by groups of friends or guilds to inhabit, progress, and customize together.

So, while an individual player can have a house, a community can have a Neighborhood!

If people want a particular theme or aesthetic for the neighbourhood, I think that’s what the private neighbourhoods are meant to be for.

Like Tuskwrangler said, there’s no need to make this new feature of the game into an American suburbia simulator, where everyone has to keep their grass trimmed to a certain length in order to keep the neighbourhood looking good, otherwise they will be badgered by the local homeowner association.

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That wasn’t had in mind, and I dont think there will be any tools for the neighbourhood to “vote kick” or other such option. Blizzard will be very careful about these things as to not enable toxicity with systems like that.

My idea was to just organize and gather people, which is better than just being thrown into a random pubic neighbourhood. I think for this we can utilize the private neighbourhood feature.

Think of it as LFR vs putting together a raid group from trade chat. May not be ideal, it is still a PUG after all, but better than just a random queue. Or when you queue up for random dungeons, nobody talks or is social in any way. Sure it gets the job done, but may as well not play an MMO right? Well the point of the social features of an MMO, such as the forums, is to gather like minded people to do something together. And seeing how this neighbourhood feature is meant to foster social connections, I worry that public neighbourhoods will akin to the random dungeon queue.

I hope I explained my idea better.

I understand that this might seem redundant for some people who are already a part of a guild or other community that will make their own neighbourhood. But not everyone is in that boat, so for those I think it would be a good idea to organize a public/private neighbourhood that they can join, rather than being thrown together with randoms.

Much as I find this interesting to see, I reserve judgement and excitement until Blizzard delivers.

Its not the first time they hyped up a feature, selling it and praising only to dump it due to it not working.


Depending on how the visiting system works out, I think it could be very cool to see some open neighbourhoods created up to fill certain roles or act as particular places. It’s worth consideration, I reckon.

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Lets hope that houses are on our realms and suddenly don’t dump us on a different realm!

oh that would per yarrrfect!

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