How are human rogues? (Currently playing nelf)

What’s wrong playing human in a fantasy game? When most fantasy game (95% maybe more) have Humans in fantasy games as playable as a base race. If you don’t want to play human, that is your choice.

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Points at Rell Nightwind

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you have forgot what the race tells about you ? :rofl:

Main human rogue
alt Human barbarian
alt Elf hunter/ranger

Is what I go for most games that have the option.

Even in a future space fantasy game (regardless of Singel player or MMO) I still choose human as Main.

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only MMO i play human is new world becourse it is only race in the game :rofl:

Basically because from Lorepoint Elune decided to give the Shadowmeld blessing to the men only a few years after the third war when the Kaldorei decided to abandon the genderrolerestriction making Males being able to get Soldiers (again) and Priests while Females get allowed to become Druids. Before only Kaldoreiwomen could hide in the shadows at night.

Draenei rogue are pretty cool too :wink:

rogue vulpera is best noting more imbarsing then getting killed by a small cute racoon :rofl:

Well, can’t say I disagree

It doesn’t really matter. Play what you want to play.

Does that mean male nelf couldn’t become rogues? Isn’t the point of a rogue to “go rogue”?

Anyway, I’m curious to hear why did they have gender restrictions to begin with? Did they actually “restrict” the opposite genders from doing certain roles because of their gender?

The male night elf rogue, they are very realiztic. As a rogue, you love to make the fart as you do the sneak by an individual. With the night elf, you have the height so others go to your belt, it is a delightful gift of the anonymous scent.

nelf radical is useless u cant use it while you move …

My point is male nightelf rogues are either extrem young or extrem old. There where male scouts and fighters from the soccety still back to the day of the war of the ancients and those are extrem skilled because they learned to sneak and stay unseen with only their own abilities as after the invasion of the burning legion the kaldoreisocety whas definded by gender roles. Or he is a relativ young one that whas an odd one that wanted to join the sentinels but whas only able about it after the third war when the roles where more recommendations then rules.
Of course you could go as a medium age that is a criminal or a pariah from socety but in WarCraft rogues are not automatically criminal. They are also spies, scouts and assassins that protect their realm from the Shadows. Like the SI:7 from the humans, the deathstalkers from the forsaken, the shattered hand from the orcs or them as I said as part of the Sentinels .
And yeah the Night Elf had hard restricted gender roles. The reason for this is during the war of the ancients it whas shown that the army became a place where you only stay if you want to show off but else being blue blood but nothing else. So Tyrande made a great purge only filling the sentinels with competent persons and they where all woman because just like Elune is a woman so the sentinels should contain them.
Meanwhile the cenarian circle, founded the half-god Cenarius where first created as a mean to combat the threat of the worgen, originally Kaldoreidruids changeing into a wolf. After it, it turned into a group for protecting the nature and combat threats to the earth. And while originally the druids from it only teached further students who where male guys, it happened that it become to a male only group. Though while there where a few female druids and they where not forbidden from taking up the mantle unlike in the sentinels, those few could not enter the circle.
It only happened with the losses in the third war aka the second invasion of the burning legion that the gender roles restrictions where lifted.

The racial is a vanish for every class. With it you can since WotLK every two minutes leave combat. While in Classic and TBC it whas less usefull as you could not with it leave combat, you could at least eat in stealth and it is especially usefull in PvP as whole Kaldoreigroups can so form hidden defenses so the enemy can not be sure, if the unguarded post is really unguarded.


Thanks for the great explanation.

What do you reckon how old the SI:7 rogue Rell Nightwind is? The one Nimhrys mentioned above.

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Male nelf rogue makes sense, you just need to be creative enough to create a lore for him, he could have been a lone wolf during the long vigil, or perhaps he was born pre sundering. And not all night elf warriors were female, only the sentinels, there were many independent male warriors outside the Kaldorei society and army.


Dude, night elf not only fits rogue, but also has the best rogue racial passive.


Personally I would say he is a younger one given that he whas so fit to work as an SI:7 Agent and that he own his own gyrocopter. I mean in such a naturenear society instead using such a mechanical flying machine requires a real open mind and that after 10.000 years is not really there.
But that is only speculation.

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