How bad is resto druid?

pondering new healer and how is resto druid, heard its very bad, primarily rbg blitz

Not great, Im having to play like a blizzcon champion just to compete with other healers, If i come up vs a semi decent Disc/Pres voker/mw they will blow me out the water. Maybe its just me doing something wrong. Then again im only playing blitz

Was considering solo shuffle but according to these forms playing vs pres evoker or disc as any other healer is like trying to fight prime Mike Tyson as a 10 year old girl with 1 hand tied behind your back lol

ok so i have 2 play feral ?

It’s lacking burst healing and damage.
On scoreboard it’s ok but all of the healing is pad that matters little.
It fails to keep people and itself alive vs burst dmg.

Also you got some of the worst dps, probably only above mw of they’re playing caster.
You do bring cyclone though, but so does feral/balance who is overall doing a lot better…

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