How Blizzard could have avoided a lot of the controversy by implementing a few simple mechanics

A simple ‘crest like’ daily cap of Lesser Charms would have halted a lot of controversy. But since that is too late another very simple mechanic could still be implemented; a daily or weekly Bronze multiplier. If each day a 5% multiplier would be added, then we would hit x10 on Bronze on day 49, x20 on day 63, x30 on day 71, x40 on day 77, x50 day 82 and on the very last day almost x100.

This would ensure you’d eventually be able to catch up on bronze and spending your bronze on gear upgrades wouldn’t be such a dilemma.

For the love of Bronze Blizzard, implement such a thing. It ensures Bronze gains aren’t too big at the start, and people wouldn’t feel forced to use controversial methods to gain Bronze.