How Blizzard managed to ruin World PVP

This one not always working, especially in warmode. They did this in the past, but now there are some hidden cd.

That’s kinda true, but you shouldnt be killed by someone with 50 ilvls less.
It never happened to me and I like a challenge more than someone that is low geared.
I rather pick a fight when someone has better gear than me.
Is a lot more fun iff you win that.

I don’t think the “turn warmode off” argument is really valid in this topic, people who turn it on and complain when they die should be the ones told to turn it off.

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Just going to ask here. Why are you so dead set to “force” people into PvP? Even in the “old days” people tried and could even succeed in escaping fights they can’t win. Whats with this “suicidal mindset”? :smiley:
BEFORE you get me wrong. I am not arguing about doing pvp in a pvp setting. But say: i see 4-7 hordes on the quest spot…so I have the natural tendency to go the other way…quickly now. Than to rush in and get slaughtered instantly…and to achieve what? (besides giving the horde a free kill) :smiley:

That is a pvp setting when wm on.

Correct…and by the OP’s logic. I should engage them even with the chance of victory being zero…because its “pvp”?

Imo you should engage them if/when you think it would be fun. I do personally enjoy a suicide mish hehe.

I’d add “insane power creep in endgame” since about Legion. Freshly leveled character should not have 1/10 of someone else’s HP and fresh char should not be dealing 1/10 of someone else’s DPS/HPS/whatever. I do get that greenies SHOULD be 2-3shotted by someone geared, but they should also be able to FIGHT BACK. Being instantly deleted by TD because the other guy is in tank spec and thus has 5x your HP is F DUMB. Scaling was SUPPOSED to help with this, but all it really did was turning the scales in favor of people with flat % HP damage abilities, like Fire Mages with GPyro, or crazy hard hitters like Destruction Warlocks with their Chaos Bolt. I’m not even going to start talking about stacking Versatility corruptions, it’s literal cancer.

About this “low dps outside CDs”, it’s general “0 dps builder that is ALSO on CD or long cast & decent dps spender” problem that began when Diablo 3 devs started working on WoW. Theirs is the one sin far graver than betrayal: FAILURE.

Scaling sucks. B defending works with skill when classes wouldnt have insane self-heal. Currently you have classes like Havoc DH who get a bit low in 1v1 and they just eye-beam some random creeps and they are full health again, it is so stupid.

If you are fully decked 480 with sockets sitting at 600k hp as a dps, you should pretty much two shot any freshly dinged. In vanilla you can literally one shot with ambush freshly dinged 60s.

With current scaling you get very insane stuff.

You can have ilvl 460 blood dk who cant kill a ilvl 300 disc priest with 140k health, because his twilight devastation 18% that normally hits 180k, hits this disc priest for 10k.

The scaling is just insane.

It is literally easier to kill some guy at ilvl 450 than some guy at ilvl 350 i feel like.

Feel like the whole reason they though it was a “good” idea to get scaling was because they gave every class self-heal, then freshly dinged chars were upset back in Legion when enemy health bar simply doesnt move (mind you the insanely stupid health absorb necklaces, no wonder health doesnt drop).

Then blizz did some data-analysis and concluded its best to give very big gaps in item levels to keep people playing and grinding.

Then blizz realized some fire mage absorb shield that reflects damage simply kills freshly chars so “i guess we have to scale this shjt”

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