How can I bring this to the attention of a GM?

Queued an arena today, opposing team lobby was empty to very last second when two Demon hunters joined. The arena began, we assumed they must of been shadow melding in starting area, however when we engaged they were no where to be found. We ran round the map using aoe, scouted the arena with sight to no avail. We were unable to report the players, since they hadn’t revealed themselves and had no name plate to click. We were about to write it off as a glitch, but while I was busy uploading this thread, my partner saw them spawn into the map and forfeit. We can only assume they got bored of us waiting to leave the game. Hopefully linked video will explain it better

This has been answered here:

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Thank you Saneko, the duplicate post does reference the original and was created since I was unsure of the appropriate forum.

Again, thank you for your assistance guys

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