How can I make enough money for the Brutosaur?

I’m a casual player currently sitting on about 900k(on a low pop alliance server) and have quite a few alts in the 110-120 range from levelling them slowly over the years, what’s the best way I can use this to make 5m before Shadowlands?

Start cooking, pan


If you have a well geared char, clearing FH normal (just mobs, no bosses) can yield about 800-1000g / clear, and can be done in 5-10 minutes, depending on class and gear (I clear it in 7.5 minutes on average on a Brewmaster monk, playing it safe). Vendoring the greens and selling the cloth on the AH can also net you some profit.

If you have a legion of alts, clearing WoD raids on every difficulty, with each of them will net you even more gold, but it’s mind numbingly boring, and takes quite a lot of time.

Doing gold emissary WQs on all max level chars, sending followers on gold missions is also an easy way for some minor gold which adds up in the long run.

Other than that, paragon chests net you ~3-5k gold. If there’s a satchel reward in LFD for a random heroic, that’s also 800g + runes for ~15 minutes of work. Pretty good if you’re a tank or healer.

I’ve made most of my gold from Paragon Chests, Freehold, and Random Heroic Satchels.

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Probably raw gold farming old instances, but personally I’d save the 5 million. Unless you are an AH goblin it’s not really needed, though I guess it does have a certain collector’s appeal.

Alright mate, people who don’t know much will tell you to rawfarm gold.
Unless you are a botter and multiboxer, even if you farm 24/7, raw gold will not yield 5M gold in 4 months.

Indeally if you do not want to burn out while you get that 5M you will want to boost. If that is not an option then you will either have to learn how to play the AH ( but that requires certain amount of gold), branch out and flood the AH with everything you can or you can start a monopoly.

If you know a lot about your server economy I would advise you go with option 3.


Sorry to tell you, but you are simply out of time
At this point if even the hardcore gold farmers have problems
If yoi never done that and would just jump in to the fray? Pretty much impossible
Even if you help you out with token buying/selling

honestly at this point, don’t waste your time for a 5 million gold mount that offers nothing special except for an auction house.

Something you can teleport to your capital for and would take 2 minutes extra.

The price of this mount is equal to two and a half years of playtime. It’s not worth the price.

around 500k~1 mil? Maybe. 5 mil? Definitely not.

That mount is not worth 5 mil - it is great if someone from your raid team has it and can make a quick Ah for people who forgot to buy something or need something, but this mount does not fit for normal using as its too big and gets stuck everywhere.

I made my gold mainly with running pandaria/WoD for transmogs, but also i am a MB and had 10s of characters and with paragon boxes, so I had an edge.

this video
so this is what happens when deranged britboner sarcasm meets David Lynch?

Use that to estimate how much gold per day/week you need to earn in order to get the long boi before SL release (aim for November at the latest, it’ll most likely be removed with the pre patch)

Farming mats and playing the AH would be the best way to earn that gold but you better pick the right server and have dozens of hours available each week to farm stuff. If you don’t then forget about it, you woke up 8 months too late


Find a reallife job (or 2nd one for less hours), earn 500 euros, buy wowtokens, sell for gold, profit.

Don’t waste your time farming old content for 4 months 24/7, value your time and save your eyes.


To be brutally honest i’m of the same opinion now as when i first learned of this mount’s “bonuses”

“A mobile ah… A. Mobile. AH…”

I can see why people would want such a thing if for nothing else “prestige”, but other than that…

A complete waste of time. But if you want to go chasing it, go right ahead. But as has already been said, I don’t think you have the time to make 4.1 million without either boosting or using the multibox method.

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Dance on a mailbox. In all seriousness, you need to take a look at your strengths and identify if you have something you can monetize. If you’re good at the game, boosting is usually the natural choice. Given that you said you were a casual player, I’m assuming this is off the list.

Other methods include farming and auction house playing. The latter is very potent, but doesn’t work if you’re already not familiar with how to play the auction house, takes too long before you get a steady profit (you need to learn the markets, etc).

Farming is something anyone can do. Probably the most boring method, but also very effective. Find an activity with the highest gold per hour and stick with that. You can also diversify to make it less boring. Common farming ways would be to gather herbs/ore, but multiboxers are taking over that market atm. You can also farm old raids/dungeons for gold and items. With 10 characters I think you were able to get 500k/week just doing the Wotlk-WoD raids on all available difficulties (note that before SoO, you’ll only do 1 raid once per char, after that on all difficulties). It would be very time-consuming, but I don’t believe there are any shortcuts to 5 million.

Or, you could just buy wow tokens. That’s probably the most efficient way to get it if you compare the time spent to the gold you get. One wow token is what, 12 euros? You can get that much in a hour working at mcdonalds, so you’d get about 200k gold per hour flipping burgers. Depends on where you live and what your economical status is though. But honestly the other methods are equivalents to work at this point with your goal of 4m and the limited time frame.

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Great way of making 0 gold, unless you play on a low pop realm.

You HAVE TO diversify if you want to make considerable amount of gold. You literally have to farm mogs and mats from every single expansion, if you want to make gold.


500k? Don’t know where you get that number from but it is closer to 50k. With 10 character I’m not even sure you can reach 50k.

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All those people telling how he has no time have no clue.

Raw gold farming is the way, yes u will probably lose your soul sanity and left nut, but u can do it.

There is list of instances that are worth the most gold/time wise, and if u have enough chars u can still get it, but then again, its boring mindless spam.

But if u got enough hours to play u can get like 300+k per week, dont think SL will hit in 3 months.

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Every single time I see videos like this, I tried the farms and only get around half the amount of gold they state in them. Not saying they inflate numbers, but they inflate numbers.

You can easily reach 500k a week with 10 characters of farming old raids, I’m not sure what you’re on about or if you’ve even tried doing it yourself. Do you know how many raids and different difficulties there are between wotlk and WoD? It is not very time-efficient even at 500k/week, but it’s raw gold so that’s a benefit.

On the other stuff, of course farming is effective. What else do you want him to do? AH farming is probably something that does depend a lot on the realm, which is why I suggested the old farm raiding. But you’re completely mistaken in your math thinking that 10 characters will only net you 50k a week if you do the old raids. That is completely wrong.

She has done a very in depth breakdown. I think it’s worth a look.

I tried murdering BFA gorillas, skinning them, and then vendoring items made from their hides. I got about 10 000 gold for about an hour’s work. So it is possible to grind out that 5 million gold if you have 500 hours spare and can avoid going insane.