How can I make enough money for the Brutosaur?

U can only have so many on a single realm. Rubbish advice :joy:

I never said all raids lol, i said all alts. WoD and MoP have been notoriously amazing for raw gold since they changed loot works in old raids.

Edit: Also OP, if you’re planning on doing raids, remember you can do the raid multiple times LFR>Normal>HC>Mythic before swapping to alts.

Only the WoD and Legion ones. You cannot run MoP raids on multiple difficulty.

Doesn’t Siege have multiple lockouts?

Tried both Terace and Heart of Fear today, they certainly do not. Should try Siege as well.

LFR works.

You can have 50 chars per realm per account.


Well, technically you may have up to 15 characters per realm and up to 50 per account!

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And have been able to since 8.0(?)

But hey, it gives Retributor something to be a twa… twit about.


Nope, it’s 50 now.

It’s been bumped up a few times during BFA but was increased to 50 during patch 8.1.5.

Oh, peculiar! Thank you my good man!

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Not if the starting bid is 5.000.000…

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