How can one be so foolish?

Eu forums are mostly about hating x thing, and why blizzard not do anything.

Or how awesome x compared others.

Nothing rly anything productive to read.

I mostly only here for the comments.


i think that the majority who suggest something doesnt expect it to be 100% listened to or implemented.

this forum is the only way for people to bring forward and discuss ideas, whether they will be implemented or not, and i see absolutely nothing wrong with it.


Same, I love the hyperbole here.

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you got some facts to back your claims up?

Actually my article on MM hunter Lock’n Load need a buff have been heard by blizzard and buffed in shadowland from 5% to 8%.

you need to :

  • Get constructive feedback
  • Get experience and writting all situation possible
  • Show how do you have made your calculations, and details & comment everypath of your calcul.
  • The reason behind why do you want this and why it will improve the game
  • And of course, stop spitting and being toxic, and start to be nice

Bizzard do read EU forums


We’re getting motion sickness controls in Shadowlands and this may have come from a post on the EU forums.
I think that’s even more proof. Shout out to Veadsarias for helping with that!


Blizzard people read both US and EU forums.
Devs read neither.
Community may report on good ideas/suggestions from both US & EU to the devs.
If you have a good idea/suggestion that doesn’t need discussion in a forum, use the suggestions box ingame.


Exactly. And the only reason you can accurately point at that as a point of ignorance on blizzards behalf is the fact they were posted.

I’d also say we have seen many changes throughout times which does prove they atleast read them.

But alot of stuff people say is also obviously never gonna happen.

Blizzard stated: they wouldn’t consider any changes or reworks which lift the specc in a direction they don’t want it to be.

So for example they will ignore any threads which talk about reverting survival, “revert to X expansions” “remove holy power” “give Paladins mobility” “bring back demo demonform” etc etc

Which do make up alot of critisms aswell, and while yes you could argue there are lots who are vocally against these things. Blizzard have already stated they simply aren’t willing to change them.

Shadow priests did win after a while yes, but shadow also had to reach a level of complete non-functionality to make it a thing and they’re still trying to bind us to the system via a talent :rofl:

There are some absolute failures made by the Devs at multiple steps and even with proven theory crafting and presentation has been ignored. And that is definitely something to criticize

However there are also a 1000 topics of 100 different styles of reworks for every class in the game on a multitude of forums

We are a large playerbase and we all want different things. It can be really hard to realistically please everyone

There are plenty of times Blizzard has listened. Why do you think we have a Classic game now?

I disagree with that, I do think that prot was better and is going to be better than in Legion and BFA. Seriously, using sotr charges as a ressource??? What the heck is this?

And yet they have reworked a lot of specs. Including SP (That was unexpected)

Regarding demon, I wish this spec is non functional in SL so they have to rework demon (Translation : revert)

Thank you so much!

You have brightened my morning with the beautiful irony of someone wasting his time posting, telling people not to bother making suggestions because they will not be read, knowing his post will barely be read, and certainly not heeded by the people making suggestions.

The truth is, the posting of suggestions, and the replies to those suggestions, is mostly an educational experience for people visiting the forums, and those who look things up on Google. It is also somewhat of an annoyance for the regulars hearing the same suggestions over and over.

IF a suggestion is genuinely good,
AND doesn’t have unstated drawbacks,
AND the suggester can defend the idea against all the criticism it will get when made public,
then the suggestion can and will reach a wider audience, and eventually be brought to the attention of the devs.

But if I had a suggestion that, after consideration, I genuinely thought was good, this would not be my first choice to push it … maybe to test it, though.

I would disagree. Of course devs don’t consider everything, there are a lot of stupid ideas here. But they clearly condier some suggestions. It’s not their job to read the forums but Community Managers and other Forum Moderators are paid to read the forums. When they see something interesting they forward it to the devs.

In BfA they implemented a solution to travel, flight and aquatic form glyphs that I suggested on these very forums.

I have seen Blues say that it’s best to make suggestions ingame rather than on the forums to make sure they get to the developers.

Of all the things posted around the world in the forums I think that only 0.01% or another very low number actually get to the right people. The forums are mostly used to pass on information and the posters who do that very rarely come back to those threads.

Take the Classic thread about removing layers. People who post there think their thread made Blizzard remove them. If it did the Blue post saying they have been removed would have stated that the thread influenced them. All they said is that the numbers supported the layers being removed.

I tried to say this to them and got some very salty replies in return. People want to think they matter and their opinions count but they very rarely do in this game.

In the 15 years of the forums you can probably list 5-6 things that actually came about because of a forum post, and that post would have been in the US forums anyway and just echoed in the EU forums.

How do you know it wasn’t just a coincidence? That they already were planning it and you had the same thought?


There is always a chance it was a coincidance. I don’t know. I just know it was the exact same solution I proposed and that they didn’t think about it when they made changes to how glyphs work in Legion.

Can you elaborate on this a bit further? In other words, to get something to the developers you need to impress the GMs here?

I suspect a new and original idea would get passed on but I’m sure in the US they have Dev Brainstorming (If you can still say that) sessions where even the wildest ideas are made and discussed, I mean look at the selfie camera and it’s upgrade.

The problem is there are very, very few original ideas posted, maybe 1 in 1,000 posts contain something that hasn’t been suggested before.

No, you post it using the ingame suggestion, also the GMs don’t read the forums, Community Managers do. The devs don’t want a 10,000 word essay to read but a short idea, which is why they say use the ingame suggestion system.

If you can’t condense it to a few hundred words then is it really a good suggestion?


Yes, pretty much what Dottie said.
Devs are developers, they spend their time making the game not reading forums.
GMs are customer support staff who help when something goes wrong and don’t post on the forums.
Community are staff who read the forums and, I would imagine, pass on anything that’s innovative and/or has a lot of support.
But the best way to do it is via ingame suggestions unless you want to see what others think first, in which case post in the forum then in suggestions.
Hope that’s a bit clearer :slight_smile:


laughs nervously

But for some its quite fun to do it though,

Your heart is in the right place, the topic comes off a bit strong though.

They can read, but as personnal like us.
We don’t know if some like read the forums for fun too sicne they can be one of us.

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