How come blizzard don't have the foresight to see these things happening, before they happen?


I just saw this post

I am so confused why blizzard don’t have the foresight or knowledge that players would try to cheese things like proving grounds or take advantage of the frog farms.

Are the devs just new people who never played OG MoP?

Are they people who are just game devs and only do what the boss/manager tell them to do and have no clue about the actual gameplay mechanics?

They must’ve developed & tested MoP remix A LOT before the release, How did they not see things like this happening ?

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Who cares if someone gets proving ground achievements?

The point i tried to make was.

Why don’t blizzard know these things beforehand?

Why was the frogs even a thing on the live server?

Why can people even get these achivements on there when they have overbuffed characters?

How come blizzard don’t just know these things will happen?

Tho that point might’ve have been flawed or portrayed poorly, I don’t really care either, it just confuses me how the devs even let it happen, even tho it is rather pointless to care about either way

You can do the same thing on retail by getting a twinked out low level character.

I cheesed them all at some point in Retail. Can’t remember what expansion it was but we were all super strong.

Because notifying these things requires two points:

  1. Good overall vision of mechanics in game of lead game designer: how systems works together and how they influence global progression of players. Some 100 feet view to the game.
  2. Extensive and deep testing.

Modern Bliz lacks both of these, which results to notified problems.

Go whine to Remix forums. Post flagged.

This one is strange considering this is exactly what players did back then. I had assumed they put in the frog farm on purpose to pay homage to the original frog farm.

Saying that they don’t learn lessons.
Remember dungeon quests in WoD (from the Inn) which had a lot of complaints as players would leave a dungeon just after completing the quest. They fixed this by making it so that you had to kill the last boss of the dungeon.
Then in Legion Order Hall and Professions had dungeon quests. Same problem, same solution (which should have been there from the start). And every time since when a dungeon quest is added or a leggo drops from a dungeon, the same problem which could be avoided with the same solution (which already exits) but the lesson has to be learnt every expansion.

Proving grounds is beyond irrelevant today :expressionless:

We’re the paying testers, they fix after release :stuck_out_tongue:

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Well they weren’t exactly a thing people thought- or even knew about back in the day of OG MoP. The Frog exploit came somewhat later, when Rextroy BROKE every aspect of the game, using those frogs (srsly check out his old videos they are entertaining).

Nobody knew, I don’t even think the Dev’s knew, not till he started to break the game using them :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I guess today’s Dev’s just flat out forgot about it tbh.

Hyperspawning has long been a thing ever since Blizz introduced increased spawning to tackle overcrowding of players before Sharding, where mobs spawned faster since ‘more players = area cleared quicker’.

Surprised Blizz never got rid of it, because it IS abusing the feature’s intent, when shards got introduced. Now bots and 2x4 groups take full advantage of it farming whatever…

Blizz really ought to add diminishing drops till a grace period is given for hyper respawned mobs to drop again.

Honestly, it was not the proving grounds by itself that was my point.

Just that there’s a lot of cheesing that can be done.

Like why was the frogs not disabled before launch?

It’s like they don’t have knowledge about every nuance of the game even tho they should be the most knowledgable as devs