How come only some players got nerfed

I dont understand how only some players got nerfed and the big time abusers that still have a 9k+ main stat cloak and full maxed gear didnt . I mean they did not abuse anything for sure , they just did their daily quests right ?

The main explanation is here:

Edit: If you have feedback about it best to submit it through the ingame box or at the thread for further consideration.

You know its actually really possible.

I just get the feeling some people will never be happy until everyone is as miserable as they are. Which is really sad if you think about it.

Thats anything but an explanation, i farmed frogs for two hours, got my gear from 346 to something like 370. Then i farmed different spots for a damn week, and they rolled back everything i did. Thats not an “explanation”, this is a lazy game mode managed by untrained interns. And to make it more laughable, they left the gear and achis intact… at this point you cant pretend they are serious.

I think 9K Stats are quite Possible to achieve without these Farm Exploits.

I basically only did Open World content, e.g. Dailies and rares, barely any Raids and I have around 4-6K on all Stats. So someone who no lifed the hell out of it with all raids and stuff, might be able to get there normally.