I’ve always been puzzled over this one.
Let’s lay out what we know:
Ogres are natives of Draenor (or Dawgar as they call it) , descendents of stone giants and originally servants of the Gronn. It’s been theorised that Ogres are the original progenitors of the Orcs.
Allied with The Orcis Horde, several tribes of Ogres were permitted to cross the Dark Portal, where they served as heavy shock troops, and battlemages during the first and second wars in Azeroth.
After the Horde’s defeat by the Alliance in the second war the Ogres spread far affield into the Eastern Kingdoms, and multiplied, no longer part of the Horde, but a race apart.
But, as far as we know, at no point did the second war spill over into Kalimdor.
Yet several Ogre tribes are present within Kalimdor, a land which, until Thrall’s landing had never been visited by any of the former natives of Draenor. Indeed it took all of the Horde fleet’s skill and luck to even discover the continent.
Yet, we know that Ogres were present in Kalimdor, at least going back as far as the founding of Duratar -as anyone who has followed Rexxar’s story will know.
So, my question is: How did they get there? How did the Ogres manage to establish themselves in that continent? Certainly they never sailed with the Horde during Thralls liberation prior to the third war.
Anyone care to speculate?