Back in Wrath…I think, a friend introduced me to WoW only to go on holiday shortly after.
WoW being my first MMO I was totally overwhelmed.
Rolled a warrior - I loved the original warrior play style and the idea of this knight defeating demons and magic through rage and skill…
I however was not skilled. Joined the forum a very particular night elf warrior taught me so much!
Always hidden in the shadows and posted every so often since.
I try to refrain from critiquing the game etc would rather just have a chat with fellow gamers.
To complain about PvP but I gave up after a while and moved to general for good times.
Previously only visited to ask about bugs or get help when I was stuck
But I started to visit more and post during BFA. Cancelled my sub as I loathed the expac and kept an eye on the forums. From there I just enjoy seeing what’s up from time to time
Flying is boring .
I started reading the forum boards sometime during Wrath, I can’t remember why but I’ve been forum lurking ever since…
I started using the forums cause i came here to search for a guild or community when i returned to the game in BFA. I spent alot of time just reading before i wrote anything.
Came looking for some info on allied race unlocks, kept reading threads then got into an argument about allied race unlocks and had such a great time I stuck around. That was just over three years ago…
I was used to games forums from my time at HeavenGames where I moderated several forums including the massive off-topic forum full of adolescent boys. That was hard.
When I started playing WoW I found my realm’s forum and it was really good fun back then. Now it’s full of tumbleweed. I also found the CS forum where I watched and listened and read and started answering posts because I know how frustrating it is when something stops you playing and you can’t work out what or why. I guess my answers were ok as I was asked to be a CS MVP about 9 years ago when they first started to have them for CS as well as Community.
I very occasionally looked at General but it seemed a scary place but finally I decided there were nice people here as well as not so nice and I seem to have been here ever since.
Started way back in 2005 and made some very good friends that i still in contact today when others i have met have fallen by the way side or turned out to be douches .
The forums can be a fun and lively place but atm and for the last 3 months its full of meme’s and negativity which is very sad to see .
Looking for a guild in TBC, I think… really weren’t many other options at the time
I think my first ever visit was because the maintenance was slow to come back up and got delayed, so I was killing time chatting with others who were also waiting.
The servers went offline for maintenance prematurely, so I found my way in here to complain.
I hated the story.
Ranted for months on the story and general forum.
To be honest I don’t even remember.
Something to do lunchtime when at work and you can’t play. Days of old the forums were way more fun than the game. Like during the Real ID saga or the scourge invasion. We use to get one page at a time so had to keep clicking the next page and man sometimes they just flew along at two or three pages a time.
In the early days forum help was essential to learning stuff. One of my first questions was how to get to Ironforge from Stormwind. Given the night before I had managed to swim from Westfall to Southshore [ when it was held by the Alliance ] and missed Wetlands completely. Then some kind player told me about the tram. Duh.
We also use to get banned for saying the slightest thing. I got a ban for suggesting that a player should get off his fat thingy and try and do some crafting instead of moaning. And when Death Knights were introduced and they were like everywhere, I made a comment that maybe they should all be moved to their own server and leave us alone. I was so sick of them. And I got a three day ban if I recall.
Neat? See some of the posts that people have replied to me with, then you’ll see it’s dark side.
Anyway I started in the old, old forums, the ones with the Black background, I was bored at work and was on the Warcraft website looking for information and noticed them, would have been about this time of year 2005, possibly early 2006. This is from 2007 and not mine.
The good ol’ times.
I came here to see how alive (dead) was the shaman subforum, stayed for the drama.
I kinda just wound up here as a lurker a long, long time ago.
I have since posted on multiple characters, but have settled on being Bones here.
I can add that I’ve never stood out in any way, shape or form. Rogues aren’t supposed to, really!