How did you end up in the forums?

As per title. Why did you join this neat little community in the first place, if you can recall it? :grin:

I often browse WoW related content on the internet if I don’t know something and there were a lot of threads where the OP needed a question answered over all those years. At first I didn’t bother entering the forums and only read them without logins, but figured out I wouldn’t actually need a separate account to be here, which is why I didn’t even try in the first place.

So, I made the grand move about a year ago and have been visiting ever since. :grin:


I joined forums a year ago hoping to push for Blonde or black hair void elves cause i was a huge fan of Alleria, after like 24 threads i realized it was not worth it as it will “never happen”

skip forward to today, it happened.

Funny thing is im no longer a Void elf main anymore, sad.

Anyway. Thats my story really.

Now im mostly here to read the funny threads, or wow related news. Thats how i knew about the Pink Elephants otherwise i would be clueless.


Social medias lost their humour for the most part & some got too political

People on this forum page makes me laugh more than any reddit page ever could

Although i do get annoyed by the brainlets on here im not gonna lie


Joined back on the old style forums years ago when I saw someone mention them ingame. Can even remember when Jito was an MVP!! Years later and I’m still plaguing you all :grin:

I’ve heard tales of magical kingdom of wow forums eu ,so i decided to check it out :stuck_out_tongue:

I enjoy reading the threads a lot, and learning more about Warcraft. Most of the threads I like, except the toxic ones with bad language and so on.

I recently joined as one can see from my post count, but I have played a while. With a long break.

Boredom and enjoy the drama, but also the fun and lighthearted threads.

I pride myself in never posting anything useful.

/Troll with an awesome haircut


About a month after I started playing, about 11 years ago, I got a phishing whisper.

Having been in computing since forever, I recognised it as a phish, but was completely mindblown that anyone would bother to do that for a game. :open_mouth:

So, for the first time, I discovered that there were forums, and posted about it. I was even more mindblown to find that this was common.

What kind of game had I got myself into? I knew there were said to be 10M players, but …

Anyway, I later lurked on the Newcomers’ foum and learned a lot from that. And stayed to give back. And developed a bit of a habit. That was my gateway to tha hard stuff - General! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hmm, I guess most of us just love forum pvp. I think my first post was before I even started playing.


im usually not active in forums of games i play but half a year into bfa i was bored to tears and on the brink of unsubbing.

i remember i was looking up something and found an answer here on the forums, then i thought…

then i proceeded to spend more time on the forums than in game. :joy:


Back in the day, a guildie who was regularly reading the forums called my attention to a thread that accused me and 3 other guildies for being quote: “the lowest form of life on earth” after we spent a day and half ganking and wiping two guilds that were trying to do Lethon in duskwood.
Was the best thread I’ve ever engaged in and I’ve been hooked here ever since.

I felt a bit too intelligent so I had to find a way to reduce my IQ.


well, you re a gnome, you re short, he wasnt completely wrong. :stuck_out_tongue:


Used to be fairly regular on the server forum back in vanilla/TBC. Came back for the general forum to read up on/discuss the void elves when they were announced. Made some friends and stuck around once I discovered that there are actually decent people here, despite the abundance of people who are… not.

Quite a lot of peo err, reasons!


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And now the developers are forcing left wing extremism propaganda down our throats :joy:

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Accidental, now I can’t find the way out.

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It was in TBC. An item dropped in Karazhan… a MUCH better item than I had equipped… but my stats dropped. I posted on the CS forum about it and got the standard reply within minutes… “The new item disabled your meta gem”… they were so right.
(Meta gems meant that they were only active if you had a specific number of specific colour gems equipped on your gear… a long long time ago in a pre-prune galaxy far far away)

So I started hanging around in CS forums, picked up a lot of knowledge and also back then people were getting their accounts hacked with keyloggers left right and centre thanks to in game whispers like “Naked teacher caught by satellite”… .that players clicked.

I work in IT and have quite some experience so I ran a thread where people could post their HijackThis logs for me to check and advise on what to clean, along with a 7 step guide on how to actually clean and keep clean your PC. It went on for over 10,000 posts… then Blizzard emailed me and asked me to become an MVP… the rest as they say… is history… that was over 10 years ago now… I’m sure I am due some sort of Sword or Shield reward in real. :rofl: