How do I fix my camera?

It keeps resetting to this position.

That’s way too far down for how it used to be.

" In some installations, rotating the mouse wheel moves the view forward (so the player character is no longer visible) but rotating it into opposite direction does not return it backwards. The actual reason of this strange behavior is that “Mouse wheel up” is mapped to the corresponding command and “Mouse wheel down” in not . Remap properly (ESC, “Key bindings”, “Zoom in” and “Zoom out”) and you will no longer need any cryptic scripts."
All I could find.

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Don’t stand with something close behind you?

Does that look like there’s something close behind me? That’s outside the inn in boralus, with my back to an open area.

The camera is off as hell:

You’re at face level with the camera, not stomach/breast/butt level, usually.

Options >interface >camera > camera following style


Does absolutely nothing. My camera is as if I’m on a god damned gnome(or some smaller race) but I’m not a gnome.

Reset ui ?

i see no problem, all important parts for female Draenei player are visible


Vehicles have a strange bug that causes the camera to occasionally spasm about until you /reload

Been like it since forever.

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