To specifically address this point. - As it’s a point I come across a lot that markets are ‘low effort’. And yeah, sure, they certainly can be if that’s what you make them out to be.
Firstly you should never approach a situation such as a market or any other RP scenario without the smallest bit of direction for your character. - Because as much we like to boast of our creativity, approaching anything aimlessly runs the risk of you just standing around with your hands in your pocket and it is an easy trap to fall in.
Secondly, you gotta put weight into your character’s economy, as boring as it may sound. - If you approach a market with a neigh endless sum of coin, you gonna burn through a lot of what is on offer and it’s frankly just boring.
That alone sets you on a trajectory to involve yourself with others a little deeper than “I want X. Here have Z for it. Thanks bye.”
You are in charge of creating the Roleplay around you, the idea you can just show up at a place with minimal effort and get served the best experience is, unfortunately, one of those lies that keeps being perpetuated and has never been true.
The ‘back in your day’ era is still ongoing around you, you can still fight the Horde, and you can still fight the cultists. - Markets are not taking away from this, if anything, it’s just another battleground for you to fight it out on. - You just gotta think of the scenario and actually ‘do’ something about it rather than wait for someone else to pick up the ball for you.
You can both hunt and be cultists at markets, trying to sell dangerous wares or otherwise serve some nefarious plot. - I recommend approaching the creators of said events and they might be willing to play ball with such a plot.
Likewise, you can still hate the horde at a market, you can jack up the prices, and refuse to sell to them and otherwise be antagonistic.
If you are looking for criminal / Antagonistic situations, a marketplace is ripe with opportunities, big and small. - From robbing people to being a snake oil salesman.
But all of it requires a constant effort, as does all Roleplay.
Also just as P.S. Neither the existence of Dracthyr or Vulpera detracts from your roleplay, they are just living rent-free in your head and you should let it go. - And Epsilon does have a sea of mediocrity, difference is that it’s hidden behind a various amount of Public and Private phases.