I see reading isn´t your strong suit (but it doesn´t surprise me that you´re entirely unaware of things that have been happening in Plaguelands on this server for the past years).
Funny that you seem to position yourself into this paragon against “invented lore” while recommending server whose main draw is the ability to create your own phase and transform Azeroth to suit your vision with no care for its canon state.
Similarly for painting Epsilon as this place with non-toxic community while being a fine example of why it isn´t the case. Thank you for this advertisement for AD.
Be the change you want to see on the server If you feel there’s too much casual rp in Stormwind, set up something you’d feel would be more engaging out in the world!
Never said Epsilon wasn’t toxic, hell Ashenvale was horrible in terms of toxicity.
But at least stuff happens there, even if there is invented lore, one thing is inventing stuff in retail RP and another is making a phase that advertises itself as having custom lore which allows serious RPers like me to filter it out by myself.
Oh we all know what kind of stuff happens there don’t worry.
Your views on how much really good RP is actually happening on AD is indistinguishable from someone who’s only left Stormwind to go to Goldshire in at least 5 years. So I’ll beg to differ on this one chief.
I never “Roleplayed” in goldshire, I don’t feel the need for that kind of Roleplay because unlike many I have someone to do that for me.
If all my argument is being criticized with is “Noooo RP is better and less toxic now!! How dare you criticize my 10 daily markets!!” Alongside with “Hehe epsilon trash” then you’re counter arguing yourselves since you’re proving me right on my argument about the server being more toxic nowadays since you’re going super defensive on trying to lure out a new RPer so you can later down the line have another person to start drama with.
I’ve seen how several drama focused guilds act and I know the kind and if I can spare one soul from being stuck in this limbo of mediocrity then I’ll do it so.
If you find the 509th market something new and refreshing then you’re the kind of person that eats tuna every day and love it every time, but you cannot deny that it is in fact a problem that the server is facing.
Stagnation leads to the death of online communities and this unfortunately is crashing and burning, new players may bring some life to it but it’s cruel to maintain this obviously dying corpse alive and in pain for another year or two
It’s an ugly truth but no one has fun with RP anymore, everything you do in RP you can do in real life with real people, because RP devolved into no adventures, no rp pvp, no campaigns (unless you ignore the Acheleus one that kicks people from the campaign for no reason) and no stories left to tell.
It’s not Blizzard’s fault that the server is now like this, it’s the player bases’ fault for not leaving their area of comfort and doing events that are minimally written and unforgettable and that’s when I name drop Epsilon.
The best campaign I’ve ever joined was there and it was truly unforgettable, you can find content there unlike in AD, of course tribalism will make any AD dweller trash talk Epsi because “There’s ERP” well yeah… AD has ERP as well so what’s your point? In fact AD has a whole starting zone dedicated only to ERP unlike Epsilon where it’s all phased for your own comfort (If you feel the need to do it for whatever reason)
Tldr: Tribalism is dumb and AD is not what it used to be
I once joined a guild was in outlands and thr guild master called us back to azeroth it turned out they wanted to drink at an inn in sw whilst rp’ing sufgice to say i didnt stay.
Thats the only rp i ever did and its not for me.
However not all ppl are like me and i will absulutly talk shop with anyone just as long as im not called from half a world away raids not withstanding ofc.
Best thing is be on an rp server and see what type of rp is there.
It could just be that your learning new stuff persona comes off as you don’t actually know anything which most ppl would be like pfff and not interested in, wothout knowing the situational dynamics i cant say just keep practising, but most of all play YOUR game YOUR way.
My Y2K RP is vintage and I’ll never trade it for nothing
I think the ugly truth is that you’ve been filtered. - I think you have been invited into people’s fun more than once during your stay on Argent Dawn and you’ve just not had what it took to find the fun you were looking for.
And that’s fine. - But to claim that no one has fun with Roleplay anymore, that campaigns are not being written, Roleplayed, whether RP-PvP or otherwise is a pretty damn ignorant take to the hundreds of people who keep their hobby ball rolling despite perceived setbacks.
And I think it tells of your character that you are presented with Roleplay opportunities, even if it’s the 509th market that month, to just snub it instead. - It tells me that you just want to be spoonfed content rather than make the effort to use other people’s hard work to tell a compelling story together.
And it also kind of tells me that you’ve not run anything yourself, or attempted to because you’d know how much work goes into some server-wide event(s), even if it is just a market.
But go enjoy Epsilon while that well hasn’t dried yet. - But I assure you, sooner or later unless you stretch that creative muscle, Epsilon is just dry up just as well because it runs on the same creative battery that Roleplay on AD does.
Oh I’ve had a great time on AD don’t get me wrong the issue is that nowadays no one pulls any hard work to make stories.
Back in BFA you had that effort but eventually it got drowned by the sea of mediocrity.
Also what stories can you tell on a market setting? The amazing story of how you got a discount on comfy socks? Back in my days we’d fight the horde and cultists, awful races like the Vulpera and the Dracthyr weren’t even in people’s minds and we had a great time making stories and having fun, now all the fun ic drama was replaced by whole guilds who’s sole purpose is to create ooc drama for funzies, just hang out in Duskwood for half a day.
Epsilon at the very least doesn’t have this sea of mediocrity and actually has effort on the stories that are made in it, just like AD used to.
Of course nothing will replace retail’s open world but hey, if you can’t hunt with dog a cat will make do
I don’t think all this negativity towards modern World of Warcraft’s direction pertains to helping someone who is intending on joining in on roleplay in the current day.
If you must try to deter new life from blooming on the server, at least do it without pushing your opinion on others.
It would seems most messages turned off-topic here.
But i find pinned topic General RolePlay Guides is pretty useful and very explanatory with all those screenshots and etc.
From myself, i suggest you be simple and not do all this “demi-god, half-orc, half-elf, last of their kind, void-fused person with mechanical arm with bunch of 1st glances-paragraphs” type, especially as your first character.
The more unique, uncommon and mysterious character is - the less contribution this character can make to RP. In my opinion, of course.
Surely, everyone want to stand out somehow, but remember about golden middle, while doing this and be humble.
The reason you’re being criticised is because you equate all of Argent Dawn to be “just” second life market RP, which tells everyone exactly what kind of bottom of the barrel circles you frequent. Of course the realm looks bleak if that’s all you do and ignore everything else, but your narrow sample size of the kind of RP you engage in does not equate to the wider realm at large. Please look at this graph about sampling bias:
Just in 2025 alone we’ve already had a massive annual tournament that brings people from all over together, and last year had two other massively successful ones in Gilneas and Boralus alongside the annual Everstill. Last year saw several community campaigns and collaborations revolving around recent story content from the Reclamation of Gilneas to Khaz Algar campaigns. Every autumn Ashenvale is full of community events to bring the night elf RP community together, and Bel’ameth (used to?) host community building exercises from establishing a school of magic to druidic moots and crafting nights. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg without touching on the multitudes of guilds that participate in long-running storylines, all of which you’re reducing with this defeatist attitude because you were burned out by what I can only assume was the Goldshire/Uldum/Dalaran/Lion’s Rest scene that are fundamentally no different than Epsilon — the venn diagram is almost a flat circle.
AD has become much more relaxed and 100x friendlier in the past few years, and the forums are a good example of that. There’s less drama by far and people don’t go out of their way to attack whoever anymore. It’s like… Everybody changed for the better, and some of us can clearly see it.
With markets etc, it gives people a chance to get out there and do things, socialize, make new friends and allies. It’s not just about browsing stalls and buying things. It brings people together and to that hub, makes for good socializing. Stories can be built after that between people because, hey, new friends! Socializing! Gathering!
Back to the OP who I’m sure after all this lovely back and forth has a much more positive opinion about AD role-play (The term “Feed the trolls” meaning anything to you guys?).
Mapscan is not a reliable way at all of finding RP. Many people have TRP3 just to browse and nosey people’s profiles, Elywnn is generally more miss than hit especially.
I’ve heard about communities in Duskwood and ran into some open world RPers there a month or so back and they seemed friendly and open enough.
When it comes to walk up RP, yes I personally have had a little frustration with that recently; being ignored, passed over when you’re trying to dip your toe gets annoying but don’t give up! I assure you the majority of the time it is most likely due to being lost in background noise, and as Acrona said sometimes you just need to amend your approach a little. On the flip side though some people do need to do more to welcome RP from characters they haven’t met, even if it’s just an acknowledging emote towards them.
If you spot me, feel free to poke me and I’ll happily RP along.