How do I get into wow2 instead of the started edition?

Hi I just have a quick question how do I get into wow2 instead of the starter edition as I have paid for the whole game but it is still saying that I am in starter edition?

OK, so IF you actually have created a WoW2 and it is activated then

  • look at the big PLAY button bottom left of the Battlenet client
  • just above that there is a dropdown that when you click it will offer you a menu of which other accounts you have that you can play. one of those should be a WoW2

When you say “paid for the whole game” you mean you bought BfA, or The Complete Collection? It can take up to 72 hours for that to be confirmed, and until it is confirmed you may have some restrictions on your account, like not being able to boost a character or limitations on chat and guilds.

Thanks I got it and yeah that is what I meant by paid for the whole game

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